EPU appt - what happens?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi everyone
just wondering what happens when you have an appt with EPU? Im 7 ish weeks (thought knowing when I ovulated I think I am only 6) and had a bit of bleeding few days ago x
all they did with me was take your tempreture and blood pressure then you will see a nurse who will ask you about any symtoms and what colour the blood is then they will do a scan or do an internal and possible wee sample then you'll see the nurse and she will talk you through the results and thats all that happened i reckon i was there bout an hour - an hour and a half. good luck
thanks - that has put my mind at rest a bit, just hope everything will be ok. Anna I think you and I have exactly the same due date! x
well i hope so but i might be put back a week or 2 after my next scan so i not entirely sure at the moment of how far i am gone. the nurses at my epu were lovely with me so you got nothing to worry about and if your like me you'll get to see your baby all mine was, was a sac and the yolk part but it does make you really happy. don't worry if you have to have an internal it doesnt hurt but the wand looks huge lol you may have to go back for second scan a couple of weeks later depending how far gone you are but i am sure everything will be fine :)
hey hun,

i had my appointment at the epu yesterday as like you i experienced some bleeding.

they were so lovely there what happens is you go in first to see the nurse she takes a few details from you like how bad was the bleeding, have you had any pains etc, then she writes all notes down for your gp and midwife, then after that you go 4 a scan which will either be internal (doesnt hurt so do not worry) or a tummy scan which is what i had, and they have the screen facing them till everythings ok then they turn it 2 face you then. so you get so see your baby, its amazing and they tell you the measurements too.

i know its hard but try not too worry you will be in safe hands and good luck let us know how u get on
I had EPU appt at 6+5 and I was absolutely petrified!! I had to see the nurse for a little chat about what had been going on with me. She was lovely but realistic making sure I knew all the possible outcomes for me, then I had a little tummy scan and saw my little tiny baby with its little heart beating and the sonographer talked me through everything which was great. Then I saw the nurse again and she talked me through everything, said there was no visible reason for my bleeding and that everything looked good. Again, she was very realistic and said that there were no guarentees that everything would be fine but at the moment everything looked good and that I should relax. I did relax for a little while but then became fraught leading up to my 12 week scan!! That was all fine and now it's less than three weeks until my 20 week scan and I'm feeling the nerves build up already, although the size of my belly and the fact that I have started to feel my baby moving about these last few days is actually quite reassuring!! Fingers crossed it will all go well for you, try not to worry. Sure it will all be fine xxx
Thanks for these comments, it is nice to know it is normal to worry about everything! They were really nice at my appointment, I have to go back in two weeks to see if the baby is growing - they said I was 6/7 weeks at GP but at hospital they said it looked smaller than that so most likely dates were wrong (very irregular and lengthy cycles so its very possible I am only 5 weeks) and in two weeks baby will be a bit bigger, but also slight possibility of miscarriage. But as yet I have only had a tiny amount of bleeding (over a week ago) and still have all symptoms I had before. Hope these two weeks go fast...................

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