EPU today....


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
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I've got my appointment in about 90 mins. I woke up desperate for the loo, rushed to the bathroom and was just about to go when I realised I needed a sample ! Cue half naked nauseous woman stumbling downstairs looking for a flipping jar. I've managed one cup of tea and I feel like I am about to burst already.

The spotting has turned really dark brown now and eased off - I've never seen anything like it before. After almost 2 weeks of worrying I finally take the advice to go see a specialist and the symptoms pretty much grind to a halt.

Part of me feels really silly for going to see a doctor. Like I am worrying over nothing, or worse still I've completely misinterpreted the symptoms.

I had quite irregular periods in my late teens/ early 20's, so I got in to the habit of marking down my cycle years ago. I've never really stopped since then. For the last 5 years I have had a regular as clockwork 26 day cycle. I've gone back through my online calendar , and my memory was slightly off. My AF was the 12th Oct, then the 7th Nov and then on the 21st Nov I had what I thought was a light period. Looking at the calendar I had spotting 14 days after my "proper" period, yet I didn't think the slightest of it until a month later.

I just don't know how I could have missed that - and I feel so silly for not thinking to do a test earlier. I'm a supposedly educated woman, and yet I miss a glaring sign like that. At the time I completely dismissed it thinking my body was slightly off kilter due to the m.c in August.

I guess the not being certain of how far along I am is what is really scaring me. When I had the m.c I was 100% absolutely certain on my dates. When the scan showed a sac about 5 weeks smaller than I expected I knew for a fact there and then what had happened . I honestly don't know what they are going to find today, and I really hate being unprepared. Also the last experience I had in the hospital was so horrid. As daft as it may sound, I am worried that they may be angry with me for being a time waster as there is a possibility that the flow I had in late November was a period, which would date me at 5 weeks - in which case the EPU would not see me.

So Yeah. I'd better get ready to leave.

i hope it all goes ok, i have no idea what to say, but don't feel like you've wasted anyones time, people always get confused over dates, so you wouldn't be the first.
You're not wasting anyone's time - it's what they're there for.

Hope all goes well today :hug:
Good luck! You're not waisting time, better to find out what's going on with your body than sitting at home worrying.

Take care and I'll keep it all x'd for you :hug:
What a long week. Long story short, I was discharged from hospital about 4 hours ago.

I was admitted from EPAU when blood test showed my HCG Levels were above 3000 but despite an enlarged and "pregnant looking" uterus no gestational sac was visible.

The consultant was pressuring me in to having surgery to locate the "pregnancy of unknown location" and whilst I was under general anaesthetic remove the pregnancy and any other necessary tissue. This may have meant losing a tube - it could have meant losing who knows what else as they simply could not locate the site of the pregnancy.

3 Blood tests, 3 ultrasounds ( each 48 hours apart) and 3 significant HCG rises later, I finally was given the treatment I had requested almost a week earlier on my first admission to the hospital. I have been now been given an injection to dissolve the pregnancy.

I'm oh so tired now, and quite simply shocked at the amount of pressure I was placed under to take the surgical treatment - which can never be reversed. I've not really had time to take in the news that the pregnancy was not viable. I've spent the best part of a week trying to fend off a consultant who seemed insistent that removing an unknown quantity of my reproductive system was the best course of action. Is it wrong to feel sort of proud that I managed to escape the hospital with all my original parts still intact?

Sex is completely banned for at least 6 weeks, and contraception is essential for the next 6 months as the drug administered to dissolve this pregnancy causes birth defects. I'm still keen to try again as soon as possible, but for now its just a waiting game.

Thanks to all that have left messages, and most importantly thanks to those who encouraged me to go the EPAU in the first place. I honestly think without that encouragement I would have sat at home thinking I was "over reacting" to some normal pregnancy bleeding until things had progressed to a much severer situation.

My intention in posting this is truly not to scare anyone experiencing early spotting and bleeding. But to encourage anyone who has the slightest concern about bleeding and spotting to get it checked out. It is true that in almost all cases the spotting is nothing sinister - but all the same please get it checked so you can know what is going on with your pregnancy. To anyone out there now who is worried about their early pregnancy, I can say from personal experience, each day I sat in that hospital ward lots of woman came in with concerns without their early pregnancy and each of them was sent home with an early glimpse of their baby's heartbeat. There was only one lady who received a result that was inconclusive (possibly to early to tell ?) As I never saw that lady again hope that there was good news for her too.

Oh hun - I'm so sorry to hear your bad news. You must have been so scared - but well done you for standing up for yourself while in hospital!

All I can say is I hope you are medically well soon - and that the sadness gets easier to bear with time too.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i'm so sorry hun.
i'm proud that you got out with all of your original parts intact!
i think i'd have done the same. i'm glad they monitered you and have now let you home. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
so sorry to hear this, we have all been wondering where you were, i hope you have a good recovery and hope you can cope with this, it must be so hard and i won't patronise you because i have no idea how you must be feeling right now. take it easy sweetheart, i will keep you in my heart :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
uknitty said:
What a long week. Long story short, I was discharged from hospital about 4 hours ago.

I was admitted from EPAU when blood test showed my HCG Levels were above 3000 but despite an enlarged and "pregnant looking" uterus no gestational sac was visible.

The consultant was pressuring me in to having surgery to locate the "pregnancy of unknown location" and whilst I was under general anaesthetic remove the pregnancy and any other necessary tissue. This may have meant losing a tube - it could have meant losing who knows what else as they simply could not locate the site of the pregnancy.

3 Blood tests, 3 ultrasounds ( each 48 hours apart) and 3 significant HCG rises later, I finally was given the treatment I had requested almost a week earlier on my first admission to the hospital. I have been now been given an injection to dissolve the pregnancy.

I'm oh so tired now, and quite simply shocked at the amount of pressure I was placed under to take the surgical treatment - which can never be reversed. I've not really had time to take in the news that the pregnancy was not viable. I've spent the best part of a week trying to fend off a consultant who seemed insistent that removing an unknown quantity of my reproductive system was the best course of action. Is it wrong to feel sort of proud that I managed to escape the hospital with all my original parts still intact?

Sex is completely banned for at least 6 weeks, and contraception is essential for the next 6 months as the drug administered to dissolve this pregnancy causes birth defects. I'm still keen to try again as soon as possible, but for now its just a waiting game.

Thanks to all that have left messages, and most importantly thanks to those who encouraged me to go the EPAU in the first place. I honestly think without that encouragement I would have sat at home thinking I was "over reacting" to some normal pregnancy bleeding until things had progressed to a much severer situation.

My intention in posting this is truly not to scare anyone experiencing early spotting and bleeding. But to encourage anyone who has the slightest concern about bleeding and spotting to get it checked out. It is true that in almost all cases the spotting is nothing sinister - but all the same please get it checked so you can know what is going on with your pregnancy. To anyone out there now who is worried about their early pregnancy, I can say from personal experience, each day I sat in that hospital ward one woman was sent home with an early glimpse of their baby's heartbeat, and only one received a result that was inconclusive (meaning they would have to come back in 48 hours) As I never saw that lady again hope that there was good news for her too.


I'm so sorry things didn't work out for your pregnancy. Now the important thing is getting yourself better.

It's great you stuck to your guns about the surgical option, and you should be proud of yourself for sticking to it, even with pressure from the medical professionals. :hug:
Can I also say how brave you are to post your terrible experience in order to encourage others to seek help. :hug:
Oh crumbs! Well done for standing your ground with them. Wishing you well and all the best for the future :hug: :hug: :hug:

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