Enjoy it :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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I'm feeling all sentimental today.. Just thinking of all those days a few weeks ago where I was so fed up and time went sooo slowly then once he was born, 2 weeks has flown by.

So for anyone that's fed up with being heavily pregnant and ready to pop, it will be your turn soon and before you know it, weeks will have passed. Try and enjoy this time you have left cos once the baby is here, it will start to grow up and won't be a wee newborn for long!
well said! i second all of that, pregnancy seemed to go slowly but the newborns arent new born for long at all! x
Awww thats a nice post :) I actually enjoy being pregnant although maybe in a few weeks time I'll be scunnered! lol. And they don't stay wee for long!

x x x x
Thanks for that - I do feel like that at the moment. Although its due date tomorrow am quite happy to be preggers for a bit longer! Am not so big that I am uncomfy, and feeling absolutely fine. Won't miss the constant peeing or the feeling of being headbutted in the bits though!! :)
thats really well said :) a get moments where am just like god hurry up but then al run a bath and chill in it and think make the most of it cause when LO is here it will be zero me time 100% baby time :)
I've enjoyed my pregnancy so far aswell, am excited about him coming but am in no real hurry. Although I must say now I have hit 31 weeks I am beginning to feel a little uncomfortable and am finding it harder to get around, so goodness knows how I'll feel in a month or so's time! xx
Overall until now i feel like ive been one of the lucky ones and ive had a fairly easy pregnancy but i can definately see myself getting sick of this back pain and belly strain soon! Im so jealous of you lovely ladies who can see the fruits of your labour (quite literally lol) x
its true enjoy and remember every second it goes soooooooo quick too quick my eldest is 11 in 1 week:cry:i would give anything to go back 11 years so i get to smell her newborn smell and have her tiny fist grip my finger like she would never let go and just gaze at her before i know it she will be leaving home cherish every moment as you never get it back oh god this is my last baby :cry: :cry: :cry:
Nice little thread. I'm now over and not 'sick' yet and have never felt like the time has gone slow but it's nice to hear from the other side.
:D Awwwww.
A lot of women will agree with you there, I'll be sure to take a note of this for when it's my turn!
Midnight that's making me well up!

me too i went on a downer after i posted :(

its true you never get to see them again as babies i think im more scared than her for her starting high school this year

i love them growing up but i hate it at the same time like now they give me little notes and drawings saying how much they love me they couldnt do this has newborns but i know when they are teenagers i wont get this either :(

this year alone i have

my eldest starting high school
my 3rd eldest starting junior school
my youngest starting nursery
and me giving birth to my last child(i am going to take in everything if i could bottle up the smell of a newborn i would)

capture as much as you can when they are small and if your up at 3am for the 4th time that night just remember there will come a time when you can get a full night sleep for every night of your life but this time you will never get back

enjoy your babies ladies
if you can video your baby moving when your pregnant and record the sound of his or her heartbeat i love hearing it again knowing i was carrying him when it was recorded :)
I was thinking the same thing this morning....i am actually feeling a bit saddened that pregnancy is nearer to the end. I love being pregnant & on a selfish note; having that connection with the baby that nobody else has....as soon as they're born they get passed around like pass the parcel!

I don't think its any good when your preg with your first child...you just want to meet the baby asap, but I remember that first journey home from hospital where I was in the back of the car & my son was in the front next to OH. I just wanted to get home so bad so I could hold him again & missed the kicks even then!
Alot of big changes for you this year midnight. I think we will want another baby but just incase we don't, I'm treating this like my last (had bad anxiety when pregnant and the thought of being pregnant again scares me). I'm enjoying every minute of it, even the feeding which is every 2 hours! I don't mind getting up at night to feed and wipe poo cos I'm his mummy and I love him so much. I'm going off in a tangent now..
haha i think we are going to make them want their babies more lol

i miss the kicks after ive given birth too :(
I miss being pregnant Maisie is growing so fast already i want another one !! I miss feeling her kick me it's lovely now she's here but i wish i'd cherished every second of being pregnant, i remember lying in bed on the day they told me they were delivering and thinking this is the last time im going to feel her move inside of me xx

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