Ended up in hosp last night


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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So after all my umming and aahing, I phoned labour ward last night because was still getting bad headaches etc etc so they said to come and get checked.
When I got there my blood pressure was 158/88... so had gone up even more from the highest I've ever had before of 140/88. Hands swelled up etc.
They asked to admit me... told them hell no unless you are doing something, no point me staying in for blood pressure monitoring when being there will just keep it sky high!
+1 protein, not amazing, but been up to +3 before. Did bloods, said bloods were okish... but something about something in my kidneys being a bit up... they never actually said it but wrote borderline preeclampsia in my notes... so thanks for letting me know! lol.
They were hacked of with the hosp consultants as though I have to have a consultant led birth, all my appointments sine 30 weeks have been wth Mws, so now they are sending me back to consultants, should have appointment next week.
While it made me feel crap, they actually noticed my weight gain!!! FINALLY!! She was gobsmacked, went and got the scaled. I am now 106 kg (abut 16st 9!!!) She was like, so 77kg (about 12st) at your booking appointment was wrong? I was like... erm , no, thats right, I've kept asking them and they have all ignored me! So she is also booking me an appointment with an anaestiologist (Sp?)... anyone know anything about this, I know it's because of my OTT weight gain, does that weight gain mean its more likely I'll need epidural or c-section ??
They also said the hospital shouldn't let me go past 40 weeks because of the blood pressure (which on leaving had gone back to 140/85) so looks like I'll be getting induced again.. DAMMIT! Least I know they are listening now though!!

Wow this was a long post! Thanks to anyone ho has read this far
My word! That sounds like a right pickle!!! At least your blood pressure had gone down (even if still not a low reading) and so happy they have finally taken notice of things youve been telling them for ages! How long have you got left to go into labour naturally?

I really hope things work out for you :) x
Blimey poor you - good for you thought for standing your ground re staying in overnight. Perhaps the anaesthestist would need to be accurate in any event that you had an emergency section and has to pre-assess anyone who has gained weight quickly, it could all be to do with the pre-eclampsia?

Wishing you all the best and hope that you now get listened to and your care improves xx
I think the app with the anaesthesiologist will be something to do with bmi - I remember when booking in (I've been consultant led since the beginning) they said anyone with a bmi over a certain level (can't remember what it was though!) would need an app with anaesthesiologist because it can be more difficult to administer anaesthetic / epidurals. I'm sure it's just to cover their own arses more than anything else though! At least they're listening to you now!
I agree with RM - my consultant asked if i'd ever seen an anesthetist the other week. I've gained easily about 4st - pushing 5 nearly!

Well done for sticking your ground - hope everything settles down soon hun x
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Not sure.. They said they shouldn't let me go past 40 weeks... so I have up to 20 days... but I have a deep feeling this child doesn't want to make a natural appearance, like it's big sister who also was not happy about making a grand entrance to the world!
I know, though I feel like crap for gaining so much weight and so frigging ugly and huge, I'm so glad they finally are listening!!
I have my normal MW appointment tomorrow, so they will check BP again, a growth scan on Thurs, and the anaestitist and consultant next week... lol, suddenly feels all so crammed in!! Least should pass the time to D-day a bit quicker!
On the negative, today my arms look like my bf has been beating me up! My veins are terrible and they left some impressive bruising last night!
An thanks about the standing ground bit... I hate hospitals!! An know not being able to see my daughter when I want would send me through the roof! She's always an affectionate child, but the last few weeks she's been, not at all clingy, but very giving with hugs and kisses and "love yous" would kill me to spend my last free time just with her, at a hospital!
Cheers Inky and tash, didnt see your posts before I posted again. That makes sense... and Tash... it sucks doesn't it! I've never even come close to this heavy, and I'm sure thats whats knackering me too, just lugging around all this weight! Everytime I move its like, how am I still touching a body part!!!!!
Cheers Inky and tash, didnt see your posts before I posted again. That makes sense... and Tash... it sucks doesn't it! I've never even come close to this heavy, and I'm sure thats whats knackering me too, just lugging around all this weight! Everytime I move its like, how am I still touching a body part!!!!!

It IS a nightmare - i've always been one who only has to look at a bar of chocolate and it's on my hips before I can open the wrapper! lol! Been battling with my weight since I was a teenager though.

I managed to get down to a size 12 (11.5st) in Jan 2009 and by the time we conceived I must've been about 13st. And now I dread to think what I am! Last time I weighed myself I was pushing 17st though :roll:

Here's hoping that bubs makes an appearence before the 23rd (?) then :) x
i have to see an aenesatist as well and i have a very hight bmi i think it because of that also tho epidurals can lower bp when in labour which is why i had it first time round they may be making sure they are ready if they go this route my bp most of pregnancy is what yours is now:( good luck look forward to hearing how you get on xx
Hi Leanne,

My weight gain has been almost exactly the same as yours - well up till the last time I was weighed which was about a month ago and I've definitely put on loads more since then! My feet and hands have swelled up big time - it's painful to walk, but because my BP is always low they haven't been concerned. They've found protein in my unrine a couple of times but haven't been bothered. The midwife sent me for a growth scan to see if it was me or baby that was fat (it was pretty obvious to me, but nevermind!) and they've not mentioned it since. So I guess they're referring you because of the high BP, rather than the weight. Either that, or maybe I should be asking some more questions of my lot???! I've had a headache for the last three days and am feeling generally shite, and was thinking of ringing to get BP checked this morning, but have just read on Tiny's thread that headaches are common before labour.... I don't know, is all so complicated!!!!

Hope you're ok and it all goes well for you.x
My friend had to have specialist appointments because of very high BMI soemthing to do with access to your spine and the level of anaesthetic necessary for a bigger body mass. She was really angry about it as they made her feel like shite that she had intentionally done it to herself!! hope all goes well for you girls.
Ickleprawn i didnt realise you were so overdue :oooo:
best wishes for spontaneous labours and safe deliveries xxx
I'm not! Ticker is wrong - I was due last friday so should be 40 weeks and 4 days!
Thanks for all the responses! Sorry I've been off for a while, was so tired after last night!
That makes sense about the anaestitist.
Ickleprawn, yeah my growth scan is on Thursday... excited but scared to know the size of the baby too!
Yeah, I was wondering about my headaches being linked with labour too... but still carrying quite high so figured I better get checked. My protein has been going up and down for about 10 weeks too, then with the heaahes, side pains and the coming and going flashing lights made me think better get checked... good job I did I guess.
An Tash, I know!!! I went on a mad diet last year, was 14st 7, got down to 11st 6... maintained it for 5 months, got pregnant... and wham! I gained 20 pounds by 20 weeks, and the gain has been so much faster since! Just so depressing since I killed myself loosing weight last year, and I will have so much more to lose this time. I've always battled with my weight, I finally get it under control and am happy, and go and balloon!!
I know! Mental aint it! I did one of those soup and shake diets and went from 17.5st to 11.5st in 6 months. Cant afford to do it again so i'll be doing it the hard way this time! Lol! Let us know how you get on yeah? X
Lol yeah thats the diet I was on too! Expensive not eating isnt it!
Yeah will do, I'll do an update on this post tomorrow and again Thursday, might as well try and contain my long windedness in one post!
So had MW today.... sent back to hospital again! Bp was 135/95... not too bad actually, but my bottom nuber never goes above 90 so they wanted me checked. So had the usual checks, monitoring etc. Eventually let me go and my insistence, but said if either of my numbers got to 150/100, which they think they will as seem to be headng that way, then they will insist on me staying. Noooooooooooooo.
Got scan in morn, and then back to see consultants again.
Oh yeah, and they let me go on the condition that after tomorrow I have to go to the main hospital every 2 days to be assessed. LONG! x

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