Emotional dreams

Sleepy sue

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Is anybody else getting real dreams, well they feel like they are real. I lost my mom in feb this year and I keep dreaming about her they are so real I wake up crying 2-3 times a night. Then when I wake up I'm still upset. This can't be good for lo but my emotions/dreams are all over the place :( xxx
Really sorry to hear about your Mum Sue.
I know you are meant to experience more dreams when you are PG.
So much going on in your body and in your head, and Im sure deep down you would of loved your Mum to know that you were expecting, and that she was going to be a grandmother etc etc.
So Im sure lots of mixed feelings about all of that floating around for you.
Plus it was only Feb, its still very raw for you.
Dont be hard on yourself. hugs xxxxxxxxx
Thinking of you Sue xx

I'm normally one of these people who "doesn't dream" in as much that I don't remember dreaming about anything, but the last couple of weeks I've been having really manic dreams and a couple of bad nightmares. Think it must be hormones or something x
sorry to hear about your mum sue :hugs:

I have been having very crazy realistic dreams too, not all the time but a couple of times a week. xxx
Thanks ladies, I'm hoping my emotions calm down a bit! Don't get me wrong crying over my mom is nothing new but waking up 2-3 times during the night crying is.

Thanx again x x
Awh Hun just wanted to send u :hugs: my dreams are very real too! Xx
My dreams have felt very real too.

I'm sorry to hear about your Mum :hug:

Sorry about your mum hun xxxxxxxxx
My aunt passed last year and just before I found out I was pregnant my sister kept dreaming about her loads and was getting really upset, now she just thinks darling Aunt Kath sent us my baby :) xxxxxxxxxx
Really sorry to hear about your Mum, Sue. I lost my Mum almost 2 and half years ago now, and my Dad 6 months before that - and I have been dreaming about them so much recently - I like to think it is their way of telling me that they know I am expecting what would have been their first Grandchild. The dreams are so random but so vivid.

Your emotions are going to be all over the place due to the pregnancy anyway - and it is still a recent loss for you. 6 months - even a year - after I lost my Mum I still used to cry often - and usually for no apparent reason - in the middle of doing the grocery shopping, whilst driving to work - anytime! (and that was without the pregnancy hormones running wild in my body!) It must be upsetting for you to be having these dreams, but I think it is quite normal given your situation. Hope in time the dreams become pleasant reminders of your Mum and that you wake up smiling or with a happy tear as you remember her :) x
I feel for you honey. X :( it must be hormones and all the body changes.

I've also been having really odd dreams generally, and dreaming about my dad who died in Feb.

I had a dream last week that I was telling my dad that I had a dream that he had died, and I was so happy he was still alive.

Then I woke up and remembered he wasn't. That really messed up my head for the day. :'(
Thanks ladies I like to think it's her way of coming through to me (I hope so)

It seems to be more when I'm on my own like you say nic driving in the car is pretty daily if I'm by myself!! I'm actually debating counselling but then I think it's a natural grieving process x

Joo I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your dad, I've had the exact dream and it makes you smile for that split second!! Feb was definitely a rubbish month this year x

Thank you for all your support x x x
I've had a few wobbles in the car too, must be when your brain hasn't got much to do apart from get you to work, so it squeezes a bit of the grieving process in there like it does when you are sleeping. I suppose it's normal. :(

And yeah, I don't want to see another February as long as I live.

Might start one of those stupid e-petitions to have it removed from the calendar. Lousy month, always rains anyway. ;)

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