Emergency Scan


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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So friday I had this nightmarish day with high blood sugar then bad cramps, by the time I got to the hospital I was in a right state. Anyhow my consultant recommended that I go to antenatal for a check up, as I said in the other post babys heart beat was fine, but they are sending me for an emergency scan (hopefully b4 we go away on thursday)

I'm just wondering what happens at an emergency scan?
I had a couple due to bleeds so not sure if it's same but they just checked baby over make sure everything was normal, bit like my 12 week scan.

Hope everything is ok for you :hug:
im not sure... i had an emergency scan at 6 weeks and that was done vaginally so obviously thats not gonna happen with u!!

its very quick... all they will do is checks baby is fine but i think it only lasts a couple of mins
When I had mine, it was like my 12 week one, you know when they measure everything and make sure bubs is fine.
I hope everything is OK, let us know how you get on. Can't help with emerg scan but I'm sure it'll be reassuring for you too :hug:
Hope you are feeling better and everything goes alright with the scan :hug:
Feeling fine now, just want to make sure junior is ok. Felt sick about it all weekend.

I'm wondering how much the little one has grown in 5 weeks too
I had one at 15 weeks when I had my back injury... They just do a normal scan, have a quick look, check for movement and hb, and send you on your way... they probably won't let you see the screen or anything...but as long as the docs say everythings fine then that's all you need.

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