I went to the hospital today for my 16 weeks bloods the downs test, I told the OH was only a blood test so he disnt need to come! I wish I hadnt said it.
I went ans they took the bloods anyway midwife asked when I was next due an appointment at docs which is 21 weeks even though I havent seen her since 12, she measured my bump and tried to find heart beat no luck, she ended up sending me for an emergency scan I was so scarred waiting, anyway I seen baby again!!!
she said the baby is lay upside down thats why we could find the heart beat.
The thing that confussed me she said from uterus to pubic bone should be 16cms 1 for every week and im only 12cms she could think of an explanation? anyone have any ideas?
and another question a silly one but how do you know if your carrying high or low?
Sorry about the rant!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to the hospital today for my 16 weeks bloods the downs test, I told the OH was only a blood test so he disnt need to come! I wish I hadnt said it.
I went ans they took the bloods anyway midwife asked when I was next due an appointment at docs which is 21 weeks even though I havent seen her since 12, she measured my bump and tried to find heart beat no luck, she ended up sending me for an emergency scan I was so scarred waiting, anyway I seen baby again!!!

The thing that confussed me she said from uterus to pubic bone should be 16cms 1 for every week and im only 12cms she could think of an explanation? anyone have any ideas?
and another question a silly one but how do you know if your carrying high or low?
Sorry about the rant!!!!!!!!!!!!!