

Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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I thought we could have a bit of fun and see what each of us thought would be embarrassing during labour.

My bit would be passing wind especially if it was smelling (TMI) :lol:
Am petrified of pooing during the pushing stage, know it is perfectly natural, but really don't want to!
I'm with EmmBee, I really hope I dont poop! x
I really don't want to poo in front of my hubby, he already keeps making jokes about floaters in the birth pool and he's not fishing them out! I also had a horrible thought come to me at the gym last week about what I would do if my waters randimly broke in front of all those hunky muscly men working out! Maybe they would be the embarrassed ones!
I really don't want to poo in front of my hubby, he already keeps making jokes about floaters in the birth pool and he's not fishing them out! !

Sorry but that just made me laugh so much, he sounds just like my hubby lol
I had a rabbit dropping on my 2nd child cud not be helped cud not feel a thing x
I'm most embarrased about the posibility of my waters breaking at work!! I'm planning on working as long as I can. My waters didn't break of their own accord last time at all . But, I've just started working with a young guy (about 26) and I'd be mortified if he had to clean my waters up while I waddle home (I live literally opposite my work and DH work next door!!). I also have two male directors in my office and another one just down the corridor so I'm just praying my waters don't go at work!
Yep, i think that pooing and passing wind are definitely the most embarrassing!
Oh and i imagine waters going whilst in public would be quite embarrassing!
I don't think I be too embarrassed at public waters breaking... Hmmm.. Not sure lol maybe I'll find out!!

Floater in the birthing pool :rofl:
i never though about it, i know my sister pooed whilst pushing her 2nd one out, the nurses cleaned it up and left the room for a moment to get more cleaning stuff, she was completely unaware as she had an epidural and when they left she said to her partner, i think someone has pumped it stinks in here haha. He very cruelly told her it was her, but by that time she was so far into labour she didnt care.

Yeah my sister pooped.. Proper reeked lmao!! Took that as my cue to go and call my mum to update her on the labour lol!
a big hard stool..hahaha
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Jayceesmumma- WHATT! :sick:, did it get cleared away? was her OH there? :shock: xx
Oh god I'm petrified of pooing or pumping! MW was telling me the other day that if you have an epidural you just pump away as you can't hold it in as normal or even know that you're gonna pump!

Oh the shame!

Not scared of pumping in front of OH, but defo scared of pooing in front of him! I'll never live it down!! Xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
This birthing business is just not lady like and pretty is it!! Imagine if it was men who gave birth, they really wouldn't have any shame or give a toss, it would probably give them boasting rights to their mates!
I thought I would be embarrassed by pooing,weeing or farting in front of adam but the amount of time he has shoved my head under the duvet and guffed really smelly ones(bearing in mind, when he does, im to heavy to get out of bed quick enough), I actuallly hope I fart really loud and really smelly to get him back.
hya ladies im just wondering at what week do you get internal exams? x:lol:

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