Embarrassing, silly c-section question?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Do they shave you? should i shave my pubic area before i go in or do they not care? Not a big deal and really doesnt matter just been doing research about sections and didnt realise they cut you so low down and thought hmmm bet they'll need rid of any hair then :lol:
Thanks - you can probably tell i have way to much time on my hands!
If you dont do it then they will but it wont do any harm to take care of it yourself, but if I remeber right, its not that visible or easy to get to on your own. You might need some help :wink:
I had an emergency section and they just shaved the top 1 or 2 cms which was just enough for them to make a clean incision. Not sure about elective sections, I assume they'll tell you what the options are.
I understand they will shave you so dont worry - i've tried to tidy up my lady garden and ended up slicing myself so i shall have to just go in like a hairy mary and wait till after :oops:
yea i have to admit im not keen on the idea of shaving such a delicate area that i cant even see! i might try and prop a mirror up against the bath or something then :lol:
I had emergency section...I shaved beforehand cos I was so worried about my lady garden being messy :lol: ...but I hadn't shaved it properly :roll: so they just about had enough time to shave it before I went into theatre. Next time, I'm definitely not going to be as worried :D let it be messy, I say!
ok it gets more emmarassing but hey what dignity do us pregnant women really have to be honest :lol:

how far down should i shave to? :oops:
i wouldnt need rid of everything would i? or should i just do so anyway?
:lol: I just had to look :lol: I have about a cm layer of hair above my scar line, does that help?! :lol:
I shaved before i went in to be induced - totally bald! Didnt know i was having a section at the time but reckon they might have done if i hadnt saved them a job!
:lol: :lol: thanks all for replying, well you've given me a giggle anyway.
Thanks purplebluered for checking for me :D

lol, love this forum, you ladies are fantastic!
I would die of embarassment if they had to shave me so did it blindly before anyway but i didnt plan a section!

I had an emergency c section and they shaved me but i'd lost all dignity by then anyway! :lol:
I wouldn't worry about it too much hun, they will do it for you and they've done it millions of times before so it doesn't bother them. :hug: :hug:

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