c - section anyone?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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to anyone who's had a C section - how long does it take to get back on your feet? Is the pain awful? and do you get help with your baby or are your left straight away to just get on with things? At my parent craft class the MW explained that they get you up out of bed within the first 24 hours.. they prefer to keep you mobile! i was wondering if your bent over at first or if they give you strong pain killers to get you up straight... Also is it true that you can't drive for upto 6 weeks?

I've only ever had one op before where i was cut... i managed to get up out of bed the enxt day but i was so uneasy on my feet and just managed small steps... the thought of looking after a baby was a no no - i was so ill...

Hiya i had emergency c-section , yes it is quite painful afterwards, to sneeze or to cough etc was unbearable! (well, for me anyway!!)
The first few days are quite painful but i gradually gets better, you can not drive or lift anything above your head (e.g. put washing out) for 6 weeks.

I suppose it depends on the hospital but i was pretty much left to get on with it, staff were horrible, and just expected me to know everything as a first time mum. Was in so much pain and couldnt lift by baby up so had to constantly ring the bell in the night to get the MWs to help me! Also have a catheter in for 24 hours after making it more awkward to get around! But anyway, hopefully not all hospitals are the same!
I had an emergency section, It was not too painful afterwards, but then again id rather it was.....i was totally out of it and cant even remember the first 24 hours afterwards :( I dont remember the 1st cuddle, and i couldnt change Charlie or anything as i was too zonked. She went to SCBU for 8 hours.
After that initial period i managed fine, but i did over do things, you have to remind yourself that you have had major surgery! as Steph said, no drving etc.
I also got an infection, which was a pain in the ass, but all in all it wasnt too bad, i wouldnt be too upset if i needed another one.
Hels, Jamie went to SCBU afterwards too, he was born at 12.17 but i didnt actually see him until 5ish :(
I think that is the worse part, not seeing your baby straight away :(

I had an emergency C section. and I can honestly say it was not as bad as I had thought it would be. I dont remember feeling any pain whilst in hospital for two days, but i did keep saying yes to any drugs I was offered! :) I was not advised to move around at all during the first 24 hours, I was left in bed. when I did move around on the second day i did get told off for over doing it.

I had my DH at home with me for the first month and he was brilliant, the first two weeks I just breastfeed, he did everything else.

Not being allowed to drive for six weeks was hard, although I was naught and started driving again at 5 weeks.
I was out of hospital on day 2 after Alex, but with my first section I was in for 2 weeks - I don't know whether it gets easier the more you have.

The hardest part in the first few days is sitting up from lying down, laughing and coughing. They'll give you as many pain killers as you need. With my first section, i had morphine for 24 hours (good stuff)!!, with the last I coped on a couple of cocodoamol then paracetamol.

Do take it easy - if you find it hard to take it easy, don't have pain relief - sounds a bit daft but the pain was the only thing that told me to stop doing things - if I'd been on strong pain killers I'd have done way too much

You're not covered by your car insurance until 6 weeks unless you get a doctors certificate

If you have a choice, try to get section late evening or during the night - it's easier to sleep it off.
I had a section with my first. It wasnt that bad. Not bad compared to the ladies sitting round me that had vaginal tearing and stitches. At least I could sit down okay. The healing process was pretty quick as well I thought. I changed Jessica on the floor and found there wasnt much I couldnt do. It was a good few weeks though before I could go out with the pram and even if I wasnt pushing walking tired me out. It didnt hurt but it really tired me out.

I was in hospital for 6 days including the day I was in fruitless labour.

I am having another this time round and have no qualms about it. In fact im quite looking forward to knowing when I go in so I can make arrangements for Jessica and my dh and the birth wont be quite as stressfull as last time. Im getting one because of the size of baby and not because im too posh to push. Oh if you could see me now.

My husband is forever making comments about not wanting a wizards sleeve or clowns pocket. He is a trumpet. :D
My mum had a c section twice, each time she couldnt lift anything for 6 weeks, it wasnt too hard for her the first time round but the second my mum really couldnt handle it as she had a one yr old as well and couldnt pick her up ( broke her heart) I was there to help her and it didnt look like a great experience for her. I really hope I dont have to have one it will really upset me I have seen what you go through and it isnt plesent.

All the best xx
Hi I had a emergency section too. The worse bit was when they woke me up i could hear oliver but i could not see him. my visison was blurry! I could just about make out my oh holding him. Oh I am up set thinking about it now!!

The pain was not too bad as I had every pill they would let me take! I was just glad it was over. I been having contractions for 3 days and been rushed to another hospital as I was at a MLU when his heart rate started to drop.


I had an emergency section at 36 weeks. I'd never had an op before and I'm a right baby when it comes to pain. I was kinda scared going down to the theatre, never having been in one before, but I felt NOTHING after the spinal block went in apart from a warm fuzzy feeling down below my chest. It felt as though I'd been lowered into a warm bath. I didn't even feel pulling or tugging except once when the obstetrician pulled the baby out and the anaesthetist pushed on my bump from the other side. I was told everything that was happening so that I wouldn't feel scared.

Afterwards I had a catheter for 24 hours so I couldn't really get out of bed but I was up and about pretty much after that. I wanted to get up. They make you call them for your first time here, just in case you're wobbly. I wasn't really, just tired.

I was given a patient regulated morphine pump, if I felt pain I could make sure I dosed myself, but I didn't use much and deserted it after a day or so as the pain from it pulling at the cannula in my hand was more unpleasant. i took Difene (sp) for the first three days as well, and about the only thing that really hurt was laughing, coughing or sneezing. I was reckoned very mobile.

I was home in ten days because of high blood pressure, but I found that it really tired me out. In fact, it took me about 12 weeks to really get over that awful tiredness even with a very supportive husband. I got a slight staph infection too though where one of my stitches didn't dissolve, you have to watch that and report any pain or weeping to your HV.

Other than that, I was fine. It still twinges when I do too much, it will take a bit longer to heal inside I think.

Just remember, no driving, no vacuuming (really bad for you apparently) , no lifting anything heavier than the baby (that includes the baby seat with the baby in it) and no sex (sorry) for six weeks or so afterwards.

Hope that helps

I had an emergency c section. I didn't find the after bit that bad to be honest. I was very weak due to losing quite a bit of blood and not being told (bloody hospital) but the pain wasn't bad at all for me. I found after a few months the pain of everything pulling in was worse and that wasn't that bad. I was a bit stiff for a while and watch out for wind pain because that got me bad but they give you something for it. Next baby I am going for an elective because I have heard it's a lot easier to recover from and it's more relaxed and also you haven't had the labour part etc wearing you out so defo doing that!
If you are having a planned ceasarean you can buy a special belt that covers the scar from motherbliss.com. I think it has a heat pad and an ice pad and helps protect the wound while getting on with the things you need to do :D
All you girls that have had c sections would you have another or would you try for a vaginal delivery next time???

Once you've had one section, it makes it more difficult to have a vaginal birth, so wanting an elective section after a previous is different to wanting an elective section first time. I tried for a VBAC after my first section, but last time I wanted an elective. If I hadn't ruptured, I'd have tried for another VBAC last time.
I have had 2 breech vaginal births and two c sections. Give me a c section any day! Not moaning about the pain in labour, as I didnt have elective c srctions, both came 3 weeks early, so I still suffered all the labour pains, got to 8cm dilated before they operated! But I really didnt think the after effects of a c section were half as bad as a vaginal. I had episiotomy's with both vaginal's and was in absolute agony, hobbled around for days.
Once I had slept off the anaesthaetic, I felt fine after my c sections, having the catheter out is a blessing so you can move about.
I think it depends a lot on your staff and if its your first baby. By the 3rd and 4th, as I knew what I was doing, happy to get on with feeding, changing etc, I was happy to get out of bed and move about. I think if it is your first and the staff arn't that helpful at helping you change them etc, when you are still wobbly from the op, it makes things worse.
Dont be afraid to ask for help, get your other half to help out when he visits and you will find it isnt so bad. I couldnt wait to get home, and didnt feel like I had had a major op at all, so I had to keep reminding myself so I didne overdo it! Saying all that, I am due for a c section in Nov, so fingers crossed I dont eat my words!!!
To those who have had a ceasar do you think people are to judgemental of you????

Most people that have a c section have a very good reason for doing so, I think its mainly the pop stars etc that elect for them cos they want to avoid the 'nasty bits ' of labour. Dont feel guilty, just remember you are doing what is best for your baby, and if that means you cant have a natural birth, then go along with what is best for them and you. At the end of the day that is what matters, not what other people think
My friend delivered by C-section twice and her sister told her she hadn't ever really given birth 'properly' :?

As long as your baby gets here safe and sound it shouldn't matter how it arrives.

And I wouldn't give a stuff what other people thought! :D

How did you get on at hospital? Did they say yes?
Hi Eveadel, me again! It's nothing to do with anyone else, you have your reasons! In a world where we can choose to have an abortion why can't we have an individual right to give birth the way we choose? Have you seen the consultant yet?

Skatty x
What annoyed me was when people who havent got children said to me "oh you had a c-section you had it easy then, at least you didnt have to push the baby out"
Grrrr yea right! like that was the easier option i dont think so some how!!

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