Embarrassing Question


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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Last night I went to the toilet and after I wiped there was some really thick, stringy stuff on the tissue. Like thick snot (Sorry TMI :oops:). The same happened again the next time I went to the toilet.

Then this evening I had the same thing again but there was alot more of it. Its like a clear/greenish sort of colour.

It could just be discharge (:oops:) but Ive never had discharge like this before, ever.

Anyone else had this? What is it??

hi, iv found that since being preg my discharge has become real bad thick and stringy but usually a white colour some times yellow never green? :think:
Hiya Rachel,

Discharge in pregnancy is totally normal (i've had stupid amounts!) but it really should be cream or white, if its yellow or green it could indicate an infection, I would take a little trip to the ole docs to be on the safe side.

Take Care.

Nicki.x :D
do u feel a bit itchy or sore? it could be thrush i suffer with it soooo bad when im pregnant its easily treated with cream

Thanks everyone.

I was just abit worried coz its really thick and stringy, not something I've had before (sorry TMI). It's more clear than it is green.

Dionne - Nope no itching or soreness. I think I'l take nickis advice and go see the doctor.

i had this on friday and midwife says it was prob a bit of my show and not to worry as it will prob reform apparently some ppl lose bits of their show all the time she didnt seem to think it was infection and told me not to worry unless it was blood streaked or i had pain xxxx
i've had this with my son (4 yrs ago) & have just started to get it this pregnancy, the last few weeks now & again, its light green which when i was having my son i was told it was just hormonal changes & it is perfectly fine.
i seem to get it around when my period would have been due, have had it last week & yesterday, i am coming up for 16 wks so i guess a period would have been due.

get it checked out just in case though-don't take my word for it :D
I had a lot of this during the last stage of my pregnancy and assumed it was my show but it was just discharge, it's gross though. A show is bloody, as my midwife said the bloodier the better as it means baby is on the way. My sister in law lost lots of blood the day before the baby was due went straight to hospital and was told she was 3-4cm and had her daughter the next day bang on due date.

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