Elora Faith Born: 29/11/06


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Name: Elora Faith

D.O.B: 29th November 2006

Time : 9:31am

Birth Story:

Woke up at 5.30am on the 28th with what felt like tiny contractions. Tried to wake up OH, but he fell back to sleep :roll: So I did some housework etc then decided to go back to bed. By about 6pm that day was still having tiny contractions, but went to the loo and had nice poo and a show :lol: Then contractions stopped and I didnt think I was in labour. But contractions started up again and stayd at a steady rate... every hour then every half hour then 10 mins. Then by every 5 mins at around 1am next morning 29th November 06 ...called my mum who came to pick up Zack. Waited for contractions to get closer together before calling the labour ward (didnt want to go in to early) Contractions were coming every 3 mins so went into hospital. When contractions got to every 1 min apart I reached for the gas & air :wink: (wonderful stuff lol) MW left us to it basicly until my waters broke on their own and I felt like I needed to push. Stupid Elora decided to go back to back while I was trying to push her out, so the labour became more stressfull and painfull. MW was going to take me upstairs to the consultantly led delivery suit, because Elora's head was having problems being born. But with alot of pushing and the help of the best thing in the world ...gas & air I pushed her head out (which was facing up) and soon after her body followd at 9.31am. OH got to cut the cord :D then he strated crying ..bless. I was just in amazment. But my first words were 'We've got a fatty' lmao ...havent lived that down. Basicly her head was a bit swollen because of being born looking up... or so im told. :lol: had to stay in hospital for a few hours, to check everything was ok. Then we were aloud home the same day :cheer: and the rest is history.. so they say :D

My little cutey pie...
welcome to the world baby girl :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

well done violet! :hug:
She's gorgeous and has a lovely name, congrats :hug:
Brilliant birth story babes, I do hope its just as relatively straightforward for me! (Apart from the back to back bit, my LO is in that position at the mo! :wall: )

I bet your over the moon you have one of each now :cheer:
congratulations, she is beautiful!!!
well done hun!!!
Congratulations hun and what a great birth story :D
So happy for you hun and what a lovely name and a little cutie pie she really is.

sorry but couldnt help but giggle at your first words :lol: :lol:

Hope you all have a happy and healthy future together
huge congrats hunny!! she is gorgeous xx
What a wonderful story, you make it sound easy violet! Hope mine is as good.Congratulations, she is beautiful. Love the name Elora too xxx
well done and what a cutie pie! I want to snuggle her
awww its great everything went ok!!!! she is yummy!!!

lol at what you said

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

hows zack with hes little sister?
:D Just gorgeous!!Well done Violet,beautiful name too!! :D
Great story - well done Violet - hope you're recovering well and enjoying your time together!

well done Violet..........

and what a gorgous baby girl you have.. Congratulations :clap: :clap:
congratulations hunny she is beautiful

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