Ello Strangers!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
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Wow there is sooo much newbies in this forum.. I only recognise afew names!!! and I have only been away since end of July!!!!!!!

Well just to let you all know, I stopped ttc after 19 months of nothing in July. We never started using contraception again we just didnt BD as much... we sold our first house and moved into a new big place, and we also set the date for our wedding and have been planning like mad!!! So yes the last 4 months have been crazy!!!!!!

However after alot of discussion in the last week or so we both realised that the new place and wedding mean ziltch... and now that we are back settled again we realise the only thing thats missing is still a baby.

We dont see what difference a wedding ring on my finger and a piece of paper will make.... we both just want a baby.

So we are back to TTC.... perhaps the 4 months will have done us the world of good as we did get very stressed at one point.

I have the fertility clinic again in January for our 6 month check up.

The only thing worrying me is i have not cancelled my wedding, its April 2009 so approx 16/17 months away, the very very very latest i can get a dress and organise things would be June next year. Iv booked my photographer, florist, band, piper, venue etc already so really its just for dresses cake favours invites etc.... we are praying i fall pregnant before June.

I am crossing my fingers and toes!!! But we have agreed mutually if it doesnt happen by June then we will go a head with the wedding and take a break again... as we dont want to go down the same route as we have been down.

Right... am away to read 4 months of posts to catch up on you all!!!
Welcome back hun, hope you get your BFP soon!!!
Welcome back Lainey, hope you get your BFP :wave:
Ooooooooh very best wishes on the wedding lainey, very exciting!!
I hope your break from ttc is what you both needed to get that BFP!!
And a lot sooner than June too :D
welcome back hunny, glad to see a face i know in here, everyone is leaving me in here, all new people which is great but feed up being in here.

I to get married July 2009 and have said i got til next year if i dont fall then i shall be taking a break but fingers crossed it wont come to that.

So where you getting married i want details

Welcome back and good luck!

Congrats on your wedding!!!!!

Welcome back Lainey...nice to see another familiar face.

Goodluck with TTC again xxxx
mum2be? said:
welcome back hunny, glad to see a face i know in here, everyone is leaving me in here, all new people which is great but feed up being in here.

I to get married July 2009 and have said i got til next year if i dont fall then i shall be taking a break but fingers crossed it wont come to that.

So where you getting married i want details


Oh i can imagine!!! il be feeeling the same no doubt in afew months time when all these newbies fall preggers :lol:

I am getting married here.....



Sooo excited..... Like you i have til mid next year then decision time... i mean getting married is always going to be on the cards... but we both feel it doesnt change the fact we want and are ready for a child now.... (money could always be put to good use with a baby rather than a wedding) I think if we fall pregnant a year later we will get married abroad i think.

What about you details details on your wedding day xxxx
Oooh lovely...am I right in saying thats Ardoe House? I love it there, been to heaps of great weddings there!

Yeah its the ardoe!!! really like it out there tooo!!!!

Hi Chellieboo cant believe your still here!!!
My pal's booked Ardoe for her wedding in July...she's hoping for an outside wedding but you know what the weather's like!
I've got DH xmas night out there this year again, all expenses, yippeee....I feel a big hangover coming on already! Lol :)

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