Elliott Christopher born 24th October 2006-with piccies!


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2006
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Sorry it's taken so long but here's my birth story. I have kinda been in world of my own these last few weeks but can just about manage to string a sentence together now (i think!)
I was due on 16th October...went to hospital for my 41 week check up on 20th Oct where i had a membrane sweep.
Tues 24th October i was up and down all night with backache that would not go off. Then in the morning these pains increased, and i was sat on the toilet pooing so i just thought i was constipated!
From about 11am i had irregular pains which as the day progressed came more often.
Mum rang the hospital who told her to tell me to "get a grip" and suggested i had picked up a stomach bug as i was being sick!
Anyway i stayed home all afternoon hanging on to my wardrobe door while my mum massaged my back when the pains came. The TENS machine quickly got thrown to one side as it was no use!
I finally made my way to hospital when the contractions were coming thick and fast.
On arrival i was found to be 8cm dilated...Yipee!!! No time for any other pain relief but gas and air...elliott christopher was born just over an hour after arriving at hospital 7.05pm weighing 6lbs 15ozs. I was in the second stage of labour pushing for 25 mins which i was dead proud of myself for as was my first labour.
All was fine-elliott needed oxygen as he had passed meconium just before popping out. I had to have stitches but didn't care as i could still puff on the gas and air!
Am a well happy and proud mummy...not to mention tired!
Claire xx

:cheer: CONGRATULATIONS .Wow just gas and air, hope im that brave.
congratulations - finlay was also 8 days late
:cheer: :cheer: Congratulations :cheer: :cheer:
Class birth story, just goes to show that midwives and doctors don't know everything and usually can't diagnose over the phone anyway!!

Elliot is adorable, so cute :wave:

Bev x x
Aww... congrats hun.... he is so cute & I love the name!!

S. xx
congratulations..... he looks absolutely gorgeous !!!

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