Ella Grace Baker 05/01/09


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
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Ella was born 5th January 2009 07:39am 7lb3oz

I felt the first contractions on Friday (2nd) i had been shopping with my dad who had flown over from egypt to see us for xmas, i think this is what got everything started. I had a show saturday am and the contractions got stronger and were 5mins apart but i am only feeling the pain in my back so i called delivery suite and we went down so they could examine me, i was 2 cm but she was back to back so i got ready for a LONG day! i wont bore you with the next 24 hours, basicly it got more painful but i didnt dialate any more. sunday afternoon i had been standing up rocking from side to side since saturday afternoon as i couldnt find any other position that was comftable and my legs were killing me, contractions still 4 or 5 mins apart but i have started to feel alot more pain all the way around to my bump now so i hope im getting somewhere!!
Sunday night i cant take i anymore so we go back to the hospital i need something to help me rest, i couldnt imagine pushing in that state, we have been awake since sat am and i have been rocking for 30 ish hours lol!
they offer to keep us in a side room for a while as im still only 3 or 4 cms they want me to be a definate 4cms to make sure labour is established. well that took 3 hours but finaly i make it.
Im now on the delivery suite, no going back im leaving here with my baby, im so tired, i get straight on the Gas and Air, its bliss i love it, im still rocking, matt is having to stand right behind me as im falling asleep standing up lol, i ask for an epidural so i can lie down and hopefully get some energy to push her out later, they say not yet, they will look at me in an hour if i still want it i can, why dont i try pethidine it will help me rest for a while as i have a long way to go (it had taken me 48 hours to get to 4cms) i had the pethidine, lay down, 10 minutes later my waters broke, half an hour after that i was pushing!!!!!!
So no epidural for me! i pushed for three hours and apparently i slept in between contractions. i dont remember any of the pushing really. she turned at the last minute and came out the right way (hence the long pushing stage). she needed a bit of help taking her first breath but as soon as she did i had her with me and she had her first feed.
i had a small 2nd degree tear which they sewed up. 58 Hours after my first contraction she arrived!!!
We stayed in one night and came home tuesday afternoon.
Aww, that was a long time for you.
But congratulations! She must be so worth it!
Congratulations, what a long time for you.

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