

Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2008
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I'm just wondering if anyone else has gone through this. I've had trouble with facial hair for about twenty five years. I used to bleach it quite successfully but about two years ago the hair seemed to change and become thick and wiry (presumably just due to age).

A friend recommended waxing which I suffered for two years. This only resulted in making it a hell of a lot worse. It got to the point where the OH was having to wax it for me every ten days till I got so fed up I just stopped leaving the house. It just wasn't worth the pain for the poor results.

I've since started on a course of electrolysis. Which is bloody agony when she does under my nose and damned expensive too. But the hairs are gradually weakening and eventually won't come back at all.

Now, for the six weeks I was poorly with all day morning sickness I missed three sessions. I was mortified at how much hair grew back in. I know that hair can grow more during pregnancy so I'm trying not worry too much.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has gone through this and if so how successful have you been?
im sorry i cant help, i dont kno anyone whos tried electrolysis. i kno u cant go on the pill while preg but iv heard that helps things like excess hair and spots as those things are caused by too much testosterone (altho all women have some of it) muscles produce testosterone and fat produces oestrogen so if u are very athletic this can exacerbatte symptoms. :hug:
Yeah, I've tried all the standard solutions. Had a million tests to make sure it's not hormonal. It's just the way I am. Oh, and I'm far from athletic I don't get called Potbelijo for nothing ;) :)

Thank you for the reply though.

Hello Friends......

The process by which we generate hydrogen (and oxygen) from water is called electrolysis. The word "lysis" means to dissolve or break apart, so the word "electrolysis" literally means to break something apart (in this case water) using electricity.
Electrolysis is very simple - all you have to do is arrange for electricity to pass through some water between to electrodes placed in the water, as shown in the diagram above. Its as simple as that! The principle of electrolysis was first formulated by Michael Faraday in 1820.

Don't they say with electrolysis and laser that after you've finished your treatments you should have top ups? How many treatments have you had?

Laser would be less painful I believe although it feels like an elastic band flicking you (sort of) :D I've looked into both in the past and had a patch test to try it out and may continue in the future. Since having my girls I get a couple of annoying hairs on my chin.

You may find lack of replies because most women don't like to talk about it ;) x

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