Eldest a child should be in a pushchair?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I just bought a new double pram, and my eldest is 4 in july.

now, i haven't bought the double for him, but for my youngest and the baby when she's here.

now there are times when my eldest is tired and is grumpy. would you frown on him going into it as well?

there are times when he's naughty in the shops etc (usually when he's tired), and i threaten him with going in the double buggy if he cant behave, though it usually backfires cause he does actually want to go in a buggy cause his legs are tired!!!!

people's opinions please!!!
i think if he is tired hun then there is no problem with him going in it, hannah is 3 at the end of august and although she walks most of the time i always take the buggy in case i need it
the pram ive got is the phil and ted one, so ill always keep the doubles kit in the car. until the baby is here ill just use it as a single for oliver, but i guess i can just grab the doubles kit for benjamin if im walking a lot.

which when im getting close to my due date i think i might do lol
*Star* said:
I just bought a new double pram, and my eldest is 4 in july. now, i haven't bought the double for him, but for my youngest and the baby when she's here.now there are times when my eldest is tired and is grumpy. would you frown on him going into it as well? there are times when he's naughty in the shops etc (usually when he's tired), and i threaten him with going in the double buggy if he cant behave, though it usually backfires cause he does actually want to go in a buggy cause his legs are tired!!!! people's opinions please!!!

It's noone elses business if your 4 year old wants to go in it and if anyone frowns upon it then that's there problem not yours. DD rarely goes in a buggy now as I tend to drag her around everywhere, but very occasionally we'll take the double out.
its no one elses business whether you let your 4 year old ride in a buggy or not.
My 4 year old went in my 1 year olds on holiday when she got tired. I didn't think owt about it.

If they are tired then let them rest.
My daughter was 4 last month & she still goes in her buggy occasionally. Only when she is tired, esp. on the school run to pick her sister up. If it makes your life easier, put him in the buggy. Dont worry about what anyone else thinks!!!!
I'm pretty sure i used to try and get in my brothers when he was born, i was 5 at the time! My parents kicked me out of it though!
You see some very big children in buggies but like you said, hes not in it all the time, only if hes tired and if it makes life easy for you it may be worth it.
thanks everyone you've made me feel better! :hug:

we went out for a long walk with the boys and benjamin ended up getting in the buggy for the trip home.

your right - it's no one else's business if i want to put him in !
:hug: People stare if hes in the pushchair happy being pushed and they stare if hes stomping along behind you in a fuss. I wouldn't worry you cant win! :)
I think the eldest a child should be in a pushchair is when they are too much work for you to push them :D

I used to childmind and the little girl I looked after was in her pushchair at 4 and it was really heavy to push! I didn't think she should be walking long distances but I did wish I didn't have to push her :)

Lets face it, people feel the need to make comments anyway. There will be parents of big 2 year olds being told by strangers they should be walking and no doubt if your 4 year old was walking at some point someone will tell you they have little legs and should be in a pushchair. Everyone knows best :roll:

Do what is right for you and your family, not what will please the crowd.

to be honest when i had my p&t im sure it said up till the age of 5 in the front seat..?

sod em, if he is tired let him go in it, the doubles kit is small enough to pop in the basket.. there abouts so just take it just incase...

we get grief about Leo going in his prma as he looks MUCH Older than his age (hes 23 months looks about 4 though) at the end of the day its no-ones business but yours... im sure if he is tired if it was there choice to pop him in a pram or carry i know what they'd choose ;)
If you already have two in the buggy, the baby and your youngest what about one of those buggy boards? My SIL used them for her eldest

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