

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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im still a lurker really til tuesday but i had a question best to ask here so hope you dont mind an early arrival. Do any of you know if your hormones change again at the begining of tri3. I had no sickness at all in tri 1 had the odd day where i felt a bit off and food dislikes and an uneventful tri 2 just heartburn to contend with but i feel really off again now. Felt like i was getting a tummy bug but then i wondered if sickness can come back or for me start in tri 3. Hope your all doing well and thanks for replys in advance
Yay! Early Welcome!!! Sadly yes, it can come back at any time :( I had an icky day the other day and I have gone back off chocolate and now seem to be living on grapes (guess that's a good thing) I am also really tired again! Could sleep for England all the time!
Well tri 1 and 2 I had no sex drive but that's come back this week for me lol lucky OH!! So it's not all bad!

yes, I heard you can experience morning sickness again in Tri-3... Shouldn't be as bad as before though xx
Tri 2 seems to be the best trimester to be in. With my previous 2 pregnancies especially as once i hit Tri 3 i had again no energy :(. However Tri 2 this pregnancy seems to be a nightmare for me as i cant sleep as i have had a constant cold from about 10 weeks and wake up every morning to the worst headache ever! Sorry for the rant lol x
Yeah I got morning sickness & extreme tiredness returning in Tri 3.

It sucks!!


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