Eeewww....Gooooo TMI For certain!update 2nd page


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Updated this morning. second page.

This deserved a thread on its own!!!

Before you get confused I will admit now: I was commando! :oops: (its for comfort in the evenings :lol:

Anyway, was sitting here. Watching Britains got talent (and no, Piers didn't turn me on :rotfl: )

Felt a little.....damp

Stood up and felt the back of my skirt. It had wet patches and goo seeped through it :puke: (its cotton)

I have been getting loads more pains. My body for some reason has excreted this goo. Can only imagine its like a show. Like the type all you about to push ladies talk of :puke:

I am no longer commando and have a pad on.

Since, the pains are getting worse. Like period pains (you know, when even the top of your thighs hurt) and in my back :(

Couldnt tell you if this is significant pain, as I have had so much pain in this pregnancy, I no longer know the difference!! :lol:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

goo = :puke:

But do you know what, i'm jealous of your goo... lol.

I am sorry that you're in pain though :( you poor thing! :hug: :hug: :hug:
:puke: @ the goo :rotfl:

i think someones going to have an early arrival at this rate misses :think: :rotfl:

do you think the pains are getting worse? they say if you go in a bath and after the pains don't go, they are usually contractions? you could give that a go?

i think you should really tell someone though hun, just bc you're still a bit early :hug:

You are right Sara....It is early. This is why I am thinking its nasty and not exciting like you lot would (babybee):rotfl:

I cant have a bath, as my gas has been capped, because my meter is waiting to be changed :(

Would try it if I was at OH's house.

I will call the hospital this time to ask advice.

aww good hun :hug:

do you have anyone else on the forums mob number incase you need to txt? i know you have sarah GL's - but she obv has her new arrival :D

joj and charlie c are also buddies. But havent seen or heard from charlie in a while. I text her, but nothing :(
Phoned delivery triage. MW was not worried about the goo at all. Said it was probably just discharge.

She asked if I wanted to come in because of the pain. But if it manageable dont have to. Made me feel like I would be a nuisance to come in. I said I will come in if pains go up another notch. She said ok and put the phone down. I take it she was busy!

Thank you Sarah. I will take down your number incase I do end up in there :hug:
fuffins1981 said:
She asked if i wouldnt to come in because of the pain. But if it manageable dont have to. Made me feel like I would be a nuisance to come in. I said I will come in if pains go up another notch. She said ok and put the phone down. I take it she was busy!

:wall: i would seriously consider writing all these episodes down and putting a letter in to someone at the hospital eventually :wall: they can not seriously think that this is acceptable care :evil:

i really hope the pains get better through the night hun, but if not, make sure you go to hospital :hug: don't feel guilty, it's for your little ones health, and at the end of the day - it's the midwives jobs to look after you :roll: :hug:
Don't feel guilty about going there if you think you need to. It's your body and you know if something is wrong.
I am notliking these pains, so I think I will try to sleep. If it evades me, am going straight in. You girls are right. I shouldnt feel guilty and shouldnt keep allowing them to fob me off!!

Thank you. It is so good having such a valuable sounding board.

Sarah: hope you got my text and I didnt text the wrong person :)
Oh Fuffins you poor thing!! Hope you're feeling alright now?

I agree with the others, you should NOT be made to feel bad about ringing in :shakehead: Of course you're going to worry about it, you don't know what the heck is going on!

I hope you manage to get some rest and the pains subside. :hug:

Corrrr you deserve a medal lady for all that you put up with! But then again, your little princess will be well worth the wait I'm sure :hug:

How you feeling now? :hug:

If you are worried then go into hospital. Sod the midwifes, it's their job to look after you and your baby :hug:

Hope the pains ease up for you and you get some sleep :) :hug:
I read this last night before bed and have come back on for an you feeling today Fuffins? xx
i hope you are ok too, didnt come on the forum yesterday xx :hug: :hug:
To right you should not feel unconfatable ringing them.

Not sure if your on board as no replies to this thread since yesterday so hope all is well.
Even if I feel crap, having a text from Sarafet this morning and all these messages from you girls has made me feel a lot better.

Went to bed last night. Had a cry. Cried myself to sleep like a big t*t lol

Felt pains in the night, but my want for sleep won over each time. So, pains did not get unbearable.

Still in pain this morning. But thats just all in a days work for Sophie.

Thank you for checking girls!x

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