Edd (lmp) / edd (aua)


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Hi Ladies,

So as we all know when you go for your first scan they base gestation and due date on your last menstrual period (LMP) but I was wondering how many ladies on here gave birth nearer to their EDD Actual Ultrasound Age (AUA) rather than their EDD (LMP)?

At my 32 week scan last week my EDD (AUA) was 2nd September as baby has measured 2-3 weeks ahead the whole time and was 5lb last week already where as my LMP date would make him due on 15 September.

Sonographer said they never change the dates after the first scan as they officially have to go with the LMP date but I was just curious if anyone on here has ever given birth nearer to the date based on ultrasound age?

Hope this made sense, it's early and I am babbling haha! x
I wondered that but for opposite reasons! My LMP and known ovulation date puts me at 38 weeks, but my 12 week scan put me back 8 days so I'm now 37 weeks. So I feel like I've been pregnant forever as according to them I found out at 6dpo! But I guess baby will come when he's ready!

So really... I don't have a clue! But will be following this thread! X
My lmp makes me due on the 10th August but my first scan put my due date as the 5th August xx
I must be an odd one lol my edd and aua at the first scan both matched for the 16th August lol xx
My ov date put me at a week behind my lmp date. I always knew I couldn't be as of as the scan said and I ended up being ten days late based on lmp and scan but only three days late by my ov date xx
My lmp date/known ov date - put me at 4th September
I had a private scan and my NHS scan just 2 days apart around 12wk mark - the private scan gave me a due date of 1st September / NHS one - 3rd September.

I've never been too concerned seeing as there's only 1-3 days in it and obviously baby is going to come when it's going to come. However due to me using ovulation tests and knowing when we had sex etc. I actually think using my known ov date is slightly more accurate in terms of working out true conception date.

My hospital recorded due date based on baby's size at 12wk scan (not lmp date) he's measured ahead since then but they've never changed it. Basically they said that all baby's grow at the same rate until 12wks - then they grow at different rates so it's harder to determine gestation vs. size.
2 weeks is a big difference for 12wk scan but probably not for a 32wk scan.

Think we just have to accept it H - we're just going to be birthing some chunky monkeys! :lol:
With my lg we used ov tests etc so I knew when she was conceived. We had a nhs scan at 7 weeks and they said I was only 5 weeks 4 days max. By my 12 week scan she had caught up a little and was only measuring 6 days behind what I knew she was. At 20 week scan she was measuring bang on my dates but i was told they only alter your due date if they are over a week out. She was born on her due date based on 12 week scan, but had signs of a slightly overdue baby such as dry hands and an eye infection.

Wonder if different areas do it differently as here they only go by lmp until you have your 12 week scan and then give you a proper due date x
My scan put baby ahead by five days, but I know we conceived on Christmas eve. Baby is now measuring in the 85th percentile so think I'm going to have a chunk too! Although they said her growth could even out now, we'll see! Xx
My due date should be 7th August going by LMP but scans put me forward to 1st august... No sign of baby and he or she is due in 5 days so I wonder if it's going to be closer to my LMP dates!! Watxh this space lol xxx
My scan also put baby ahead by 5 days so me and doll eyes conceived around the same time but I think baby is bigger than we even thought at my 31 week check up I was 31+5 and measuring at 34 weeks which she said was okay but if I'm too far over on the next check which is the 7th August I'll be 34+5 I'll have to have a scan. I don't think he's going to come on his due date I think he'll be here earlier possibly a week or 2 early as it's happened with all my Nans kids and my mum they also laboured quick as in 40 mins one of my nans kids was 10-15 mins so good chance it runs in the family haha but yeah I think my due date is possibly not the day he's coming xxx
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Hi Ladies,

So as we all know when you go for your first scan they base gestation and due date on your last menstrual period (LMP) but I was wondering how many ladies on here gave birth nearer to their EDD Actual Ultrasound Age (AUA) rather than their EDD (LMP)?

At my 32 week scan last week my EDD (AUA) was 2nd September as baby has measured 2-3 weeks ahead the whole time and was 5lb last week already where as my LMP date would make him due on 15 September.

Sonographer said they never change the dates after the first scan as they officially have to go with the LMP date but I was just curious if anyone on here has ever given birth nearer to the date based on ultrasound age?

Hope this made sense, it's early and I am babbling haha! x

Its the ultrasound date they go with not the lmp date, thats why 12 week scan is called the dating scan. Lmp dates can vary a lot as not everyones cycles are regular.
My due date is spot on for day i know i ov'd and only a day out from my lmp date so i'm hoping not to go too overdue, lol! X
I was going to say the same as Carla, by my lmp I should be due October 4 but by the 12 weeks scan they've put me at 27th September. Baby is measuring a week ahead of that anyway, so 2 weeks ahead my lmp date! I think he's going to be a big one! My daughter was big (8lb4 born at 38 weeks) and I'm expecting him to be bigger!
Hi Ladies,

So as we all know when you go for your first scan they base gestation and due date on your last menstrual period (LMP) but I was wondering how many ladies on here gave birth nearer to their EDD Actual Ultrasound Age (AUA) rather than their EDD (LMP)?

At my 32 week scan last week my EDD (AUA) was 2nd September as baby has measured 2-3 weeks ahead the whole time and was 5lb last week already where as my LMP date would make him due on 15 September.

Sonographer said they never change the dates after the first scan as they officially have to go with the LMP date but I was just curious if anyone on here has ever given birth nearer to the date based on ultrasound age?

Hope this made sense, it's early and I am babbling haha! x

Its the ultrasound date they go with not the lmp date, thats why 12 week scan is called the dating scan. Lmp dates can vary a lot as not everyones cycles are regular.
My due date is spot on for day i know i ov'd and only a day out from my lmp date so i'm hoping not to go too overdue, lol! X

I know, I didn't word it very well as it was early in the morning lol x
With my son my lmp put me due 22nd July. But scan had me due 8th August. I had him on the 9th August.
I wouldn't go off the ultrasound age too much this late on as with my twins I had regular scans and on it the edd for lily was 21st of may and zara was 5th of June. They were identical so we're the same age my edd from 12 weeks was 22 may. Where as at my sisters 20 week scan she measured 2 weeks or more ahead and had baby on due date at 11lb 13 (she has big babies). They said they won't change it after 12 weeks due to baby could have a growth spurt or is either going to be a bigger or smaller baby than average xxx
Well i was due 28th august according to lmp, and at 12 week scan i lost 4 days and now due 1st sept.
Now technically as having a section 6 days early early doesn 't affect this , but tome it does as i popped at 36 weeks last time when booked in for 38 week section! This time in my eyes im only having baby2 dats early so will worry about going into labour before date- mostly as i have no transport this time, it takes a good 1 and a quarter hours to travel to hosp on train ! Eeeek
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