

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2005
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Hi again,
Well I found out last week that Noah has Eczma, he has always had dry skin on his face and round the backs of his ears since he was just a couple of weeks old, but he now has dry patches over his tummy, and my Health visitor says its eczma. Thing is I thought Eczma came and went as and when it gets triggered by what ever they are allergic too? but Noah has it all the time. I have followed all instructions about what products to use on his skin and what to avoid, and his skin dosent seem to be bothering him at the moment, but I dont know if thats because he is to young to be able to scratch himself if he itches?

I dont know much about eczma as neither my partner or I suffer, I just know my brother suffered from about the age of 8 months and was a very miserable baby and used to make himself bleed from scratching at himself. Noah is such a happy lovery baby Im really worried about him becoming itchy and sore! Can anyone give me some more information about eczma and their experience with it on babies, do some babies get on fine and not care?

Also we have a cat and I dont know if it may be cat fur that triggered it, we may have to get rid of him, does anyone know if you can get skin patch tests or something to find out?

Lots of questions I know, I just dont want the little fella to suffer, no matter how mush E45 cream I smother on him he always has dry patches!
Have you tried using oilitum (sp) the stuff you put in their bath?

My brother suffered from eczema, he was allergic to cows milk and had to have soya products.
alana has very bad excema, trust me they can scratch easily, one morning i woke alana up and she had scratched her cheeks so bad, they were covered in bloody :cry: :cry: :cry: not a happy mummy.

were using epiderm, as the high street ones like oilatum just arent strong enough, you need as thick emoliient and keep his skin covered with it. alaso this cold weather will not help it at all.
Thats really weird then cause Noah doesnt seem to be bothered my his eczma at all? at what age did alana develop it? have you found what triggers it?
nothing triggers it, i know weening them early can really upset it, so were not feeding alana much solids, just enough to stop her having 5 9oz bottles a day.

it didnt used to bother her, she had it since about 1 month old now. and just getting worse and worse. and now it must itch sooo much, she has to always weat mittens now.
Hi there

My 9 month old nephew has eczema and at one stage it was really bad the doctor prescribed a steroid cream, my sister in law used it for a while but didn't see a huge improvement.... then she was given a pot of the Arran Aromatics Baby Barrier cream and it's worked wonders on his eczema - he mostly gets it at the back of his knees and his elbow crease.


40 wks
weve got 1% hydrocortisione steriod cream and they normally only give you 0.5% one... but that still doesnt do much
Eczema can be inherited, it can be something they eat which they are allergic to, or it can be a contact thing. I am allergic to certain types of washing powder and will have a big flare up if I use anything else (I can only use Tesco colours at the moment, not the non-bio one though).

I used to use 1% hydrocortisione steriod cream and it didn't really do anything for me either. They reccomend these days bathing the babies every single day and putting the cream on within 3-4 minutes of them getting out the bath, whether it's E45, hydrocortisione, etc. I used to use oliatum aswell and while it didn't clear it up, it stopped it getting too bad. If I ever didn't use it I flared up and used to bleed all over.

Try Diprobase or Doublebase creams too if you can get hold of them (might only be on prescription, not sure).

I hope he gets some releif soon xx
I have it and Dom has it, it does not really bother him.

We use;

Hydrocortisone Cream

And that keeps it under control, it's not an allergy related thing so it won't be the cats, it would be ashame to get rid of the cat if it's the ezcema part that bothers you.
I was advised that the worst thing you can do is bath the baby every day as it dries out the skin and makes the eczema worse.
I bath ewan 2 to 3 times a week - and i use an aloe vera cream on his dry patches and eczema patches. I refuse to use a steroid based cream on such a young baby and am going as natural as posssible.
My husband has ezcema and the routine we used with him it has now 95% cleared up - no longer cracked and bleeding hands.

If anyone wants details on the cream we use drop me and email or your snail mail adress and i will post you a sample of the cream.
I also have an article on a 3 month old baby with severe eczema that was cleared up with only natural treatment.
They say you should bath everyday if you frequently apply a cream, especially a steroid cream, so that the area is clean. Apply the cream with 3-4 minutes of getting out the bath to keep the moisture in.

I was thinking of using Aloe on Damien's dry skin on his face, do you have to consult a H.Prof before usong on a babies skin?
you dont need to tell HV just try it on a small area of damiens skin as people can have serious allergy to aloe vera, im not gonna risk it as quite a few family members have an allergy.

you can always try arnica or candulla cream witch are both great for healing skin but also keeping it hydrated
HV saw his skin today and prescribed Doublebase for him. Makes his skin look nice and clear for half an hour even if I do have to put it on lots to keep it from being dry lol.

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