ECV nightmare!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2006
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So baby still breech and went for ECV yesterday. After waiting around stewing over it for an hour a horrible consultant began pushing my tummy around and i was in agony i was crying out in pain and told him to stop. He said that is the pressure you need to turn a baby so i said no way!

By this time i'm crying my eyes out cos i know whats coming.

C section booked for next wed 1st aug and i'm so scared. :(
Oh poor you, that sounds horrible!

Try not to be scared of the C section, some people think they are great. I'm most likely having one.
I know nothing anyone can say will make you feel any better, but try and focus on the fact you will get to meet your LO soon - how fab will that be!

I'm not much help, sorry. :hug:

Piglet xx
1st exciting!! I know your not looking forward to the c-section but how exciting to know the due date of your baby. We have the same EDD but I have to wait, wait, and wait. No idea when mine's coming!!
Aw hun you poor thing you'd know it was a male consultant sometimes they just have no idea do they :roll: Best of luck for next week for your c-section
Hi Bx,

Sorry to hear you've had such a rough time - that sounds like an awful experience to have gone through.

Good luck for your c-section - make sure you read topbird's birth story from last weekend in Announce Your New Arrival - she had a c-section due to a breech baby and it sounded like she had a really positive experience.

Thinking of you

Valentine xxx
Yes I did..... I was also terrified and really did not like the idea. But it was amazing when it actually happened.

You are going to think I am mad, but when it came to the time to walk to the theatre we were like kids on the way to see Santa Claus. I walked into theatre grinning like a cheshire cat! I felt so prepared for what was happening, I was in total control and I knew that in less than 20 minutes I would have my baby in my arms. I also had 16 hours of labour prior to the c-section which scared me more as it was totally unpredictable and I had no control over it so feel I have a bit of perspective (OK so I was only 4 cm dilated but even so!)

Your body will take over and get you through it. I am not denying the recovery is not difficult, but it is worth it. You get lots of pain killers, the scar is a lot smaller and lower than you imagine, I will definitely be in a bikini on holiday next year. The worst thing is sitting up from laying or standing up from sitting. But I am getting spoilt rotten by my husband, family and friends, which is great!

The most amazing part for me was the few huors afterwards as I started to regain the feeling in my legs etc...By the time I got taken back to the ward it was about 10pm, so DH helped settle me in and then it was just me and Bethany. They laid her in a see through cot right next to my bed level with my head and we laid and stared at each other for about 2 hours, she didn't cry, just lay there pulling cute faces at me and we held hands and I chatted to her. it still makes me cry now when I think back how amazing it was to look at her and think about what I had been through to get her. I would not change it for the world honestly.

Please do PM me if either you or ZS have any questions about the operation or anything.

You will be fine, trust me! :hug:

oh yes - by the way - go and buy yourselves a stack of black cotton mens boxer shorts a size too big for you (Primark have them 3 for £3 - I sent my sister on a mission!), they are the most comfortable thing you will ever wear. The maternity pads from Boots are good too as they have one sticky strip right down the centre and so the stick in a treat! :hug:
I havent' heard any positive experineces of ECVs on this forum. I might have to have one if my baby stays breech, but I'm definitely thinking long and hard about it now. I'm sorry to hear it was such a nightmare.

Topbird, can I ask a question? How come you were in labour before the c-section? Was that just co-incidence? I've heard that some hospitals will let you go into labour specifically so that you are able to experience it before they give you a c-section. Even if it is planned, they wait to let you experience labour first. Apparently it helps some women. i think I would quite like that. Or did you just happen to go into labour at that time?
Really sorry to hear you have to have a section, but just think next week you will meet your baby that is so exciting i wish it was me, im sure it will be fine and as topbird said it was a magic experience and it will be for you too :hug:
KJ said:
Topbird, can I ask a question? How come you were in labour before the c-section? Was that just co-incidence? I've heard that some hospitals will let you go into labour specifically so that you are able to experience it before they give you a c-section. Even if it is planned, they wait to let you experience labour first. Apparently it helps some women. i think I would quite like that. Or did you just happen to go into labour at that time?

it is in my birth story... I went into labour before my elective ceasarean date came round.
Thanks so much for all your kind thoughts and well wishes. Its just a whole new set of worries to go through now.

Topbird - i have a list of questions that i will bug you with now in a PM :)

Good luck ZS with yours too :hug:
Thanks BX, your story is one of the many horror stories about EVCs i have heard on here and if my baby is still transverse then im not having one.

Im sorru it was horrible and the consultant was a wanker, but there are a few ladies on here that have had positive c section experiences.
:hug: aw hun, u poor thing! i understand my bump was very tender.
nasty doctor! :shakehead:

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