Ectopic pregnancy question....


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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When is this normally discovered? Online it says anything from 4 weeks and some say it can be hidden until the 12 week scan? Xx
I am not too worried but I think I just need to stop panicking with every twinge xx
I know,i have done so good up until yesterday!!

New positive head on! Xx
think its usually very early on but if ur not sure id ring ur midwife hun xx
U would be in excruitiating pain if bubba was ectopic. U would have pain in ur shoulders too (not sure why!)

I was asking all of these questions when I found out I was pg as I have problems with my tubes.

Phone epu if u r worried Hun. They should be able to do a scan for u xx
When i found out my bean was ectopic last year it started with bleeding and i was very constipated tmi to the point where i was in that much pain i couldnt stand up. Shoulder tip pain is a common sign of ectopic pregnancy aswell x
When I had my ectopic in it didn't show up on the early scan I had they just thought I had lost the baby then within 2 weeks had severe abdominal pain and shoulder pain ended up collapsing a couple of times at home and in hospital.
I was taken in for emergency surgery as my tube had ruptured, the surgeon later said it was quite a late ectopic but never confirmed how many weeks I was but believe me you would know if you were having one it's like no pain I have ever felt.
I'm sure you will be this pregnancy I had severe pains early on and thought here we go again ! So after much argument with the hospital who would not do an early scan (unless i was actually bleeding despite telling me last time that if I was to ever get pregnant I would get one) I paid for a private scan which completely put my mind at ease. I'm sure you will be fine but if you are at all worried speak to your gp or midwife hopefully they will be able to put your mind at rest.
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Thanks all. I think it was just trapped wind and I was in a panic moment. Thanks for your replies xxxxx

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