Ectopic pregnancy query


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
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Hi all

Any help would be massively appreciated! Even if it's a slap to tell me I'm being ridiculous!

I had a mmc in October and ectopic pregnancy in February. Now when I had the ectopic I had a postive test 2 days before af due then I started bleeding at 4+2 which was a weird type of bleeding unlike a period but lasted 5 days just red blood and no clots like you see in a period which prompted me to go to the Drs etc etc.... I ended up having a tube out. So I had one proper period (normal for me) and started trying again...

So here I am period due on Thursday and I started bleeding EXACTLY the same as my previous bleeding when ectopic... Just blood hardly soaking a pad, not a normal period for me and no clots. I've done a pregnancy test and negative but I can't shake the worry that this bleeding is too much like the ectopic and unlike I've ever had before that. I have pain at the bottoms of my back which is quite uncomfortable but that's about it

I phoned epau this morning but all they kept saying is "it's too early to scan" I repeated I didn't want a scan just a blood test to check levels.... But nope! If the pain gets worse then see gp (closed until Tuesday) or a&e... Pain not that bad ATM.

Like I say any help or advice/experience would be massively appreciated! Even just a get a grip it's your period would suffice haha

Thank you

I must confess that if anything like that occurs (I've had two miscarriages and an ectopic) I head straight for my local a&e as I find for potential pregnancy and worries anyway it ectopic they take it more seriously and deal with things better than my gp. Good luck, Hope it's just your body adjusting after the ectopic: hugs:
Hi Becki, I have had 2 MMC's but not an ectopic, my advice is trust your instincts and go to A&E, insist on a blood test / scan. I hope everything is ok so try not to worry, but I always think we our own best doctors as we know our bodies best. Take care x
I'd definitely go straight to doctors - if not A&E. I only have one tube left and for that reason I'm classed as high risk - if I had an ectopic and it ruptured my other tube I'd be screwed! It's not worth not getting it checked out, although I'm sure all will be okay. GL xx
I agree with everyone else! My experience wasn't like ours, ruptured ectopic and surgery to remove tube, but my periods which were irregular before went to being regular and very normal after. I understand your frustration with not getting an answer from the doc. We went to see our family doctor at 4 weeks and was told I would have an urgent scan to make sure everything is where it should be only to find out the hospital won't do it until just over 5 weeks (I ruptured at 6!!!!)

Anyway, my doc did tell me that if I experienced any pain to go straight to the hospital because they would then do a scan. It may not be the politically correct way to go about things, but maybe go the the hospital and tell them you think you are having an ectopic pregnancy and I bet they will do a scan!

Hope all turns out well!

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