

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i was just wondering if neone knew if billy and hunni get 'rid' of janet coz of her downs its been really bugging me
and for some reason this story line has really got to me and if they do think ill have to stop watchin it
i haven't watched it although I think Billy wants her and Honey doesn't but I bet it all turns out ok! I watched it for the first time in two years on fri and I got really cross aswell.
try googling it and seeing if you get any plot spoilers
I just came onto the forum to post about Eastenders.

See, we're a couple of episodes behind you. We watched the one tonight where hunni gives birth and the midwife "amazingly" delivers the baby by herself etc etc.... I got so annoyed not knowing what she was on about at the end.... the look of concern!
So, now I know.... she's got downs? Didn't look like that to me!!

Shame - it would be nice to have a happy story line for a change. Billy needs some good fortune!!! I demand that he gets it... *getting on phone to scriptwriter*

Keep me posted - i won't get to watch the omnibus until next weekend! :roll:

Emilia xx
Just grab the tv mag in the paper! it tells all!! Honey does a runner and goes home and watches tv as if nothings happened and billy punches phil lol
awww emelia deffo carry on watching it its heart broken
as soon as my mum say Janet she sed downs and i hadnt even sed nething lol
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
awww emelia deffo carry on watching it its heart broken
as soon as my mum say Janet she sed downs and i hadnt even sed nething lol
They have the same features. Long tongue, no lines on hands and feet etc.
oh no i feel for hunni i really do but im prob just being me but dont understand y she wants to get 'rid' of Janet
yeah i know it was a shock and must have been horirble but shes still a baby that needs her mummy
and the baby keeps changing lol when ever hunni is holding her she is normal then when she is in the cot alone its a downs baby that looks months old.
The baby in the episode on Friday was downs syndrome, As far as I have read they keep her and are going to get downs actresses to play her growing up??
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
oh no i feel for hunni i really do but im prob just being me but dont understand y she wants to get 'rid' of Janet
yeah i know it was a shock and must have been horirble but shes still a baby that needs her mummy

its just shock and they are making out she has pnd. i heard hunni suffers bad with it, like that one in corrie? the one with glasses that drives me up the wall
eastenders has really hit me hard this last week i wont be watching this week all i could think of was at least their baby was alive :( dont think im quite ready for this lol xxx
Rach :hug: :hug: You're baby is a beautiful angel who is always with you :).
Must be incredibly hard for you Rach xxxxxxxxxx
Rach :hug:

I think this storyline could be a blessing, not many people really know about downs syndrome. I have met beautiful people that have had downs syndrome. Years ago they would have been institustionalised but now they have the chance to go to special schools and have jobs. I went to a fair last year and went on a really scary ride and lots of people were crying and there was a young man with downs laughing his head off enjoying every minute and I got so much pleasure from seeing him so happy, I'll never forget him :D
we have a downs girl at our school, mainstream with all the other boys and girls, and where I live there is a downs man that married a downs woman and they are always seen walking down the street together, really heart warming!

Rach, I haven't been through what you have but I got quite angry as I think of all the people out there that would give anything to have a baby, so I think it is perfectly understandable that you don't want to watch it :hug:

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