After all my worrying about weaning...

Full of hope!

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2007
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Hi Ladies :D

I started weaning Jacob last Saturday as he was showing lots of signs of being ready for it and as he was 17 weeks last Thurs and a big lad at 15lb 15oz I thought the time was right.

Anyway, I was really worried about weaning (I posted about this a few weeks ago) but it's going really well so far and Jacob is loving his food :D I started him on baby rice and today I gave him some pureed carrot mixed with a bit of formula and he wolfed it down!!! He kept opening his mouth for more even before I was ready with the next spoonful :lol:

I just have a couple of questions i'm sure you ladies can help me with...

1. How often should I introduce a new food?

2. When did you start giving two meals a day?

Thanks in advance!

I would say to give it a few days between new foods to see how he gets on with them but really follow his lead, he'll let you know if he is/isn't ready for the next stage. If he's taking well to one meal then there's no harm in trying a second!
Glad it going well hun :D

1. How often should I introduce a new food?
At first we stuck with a couple of basics (carrot & pear) then after a weeks or so we added others in bit by bit & then mixed her favourites that worked well for us. We stuck to quite bland & easy to digest puree's up until now where im starting to introduce other things. Why not try puree's with baby rice? Let Jacob take the lead & add others when u feel he's ready.

Good stuff to try are: Pear, Apple, Banana, Peach, Melon, Butternut squash, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Swede, Parsnip :) There are loads more!

2. When did you start giving two meals a day?
We started just giving tea but then after some trial & error found that 2 smaller meals a day worked best for Ellie & continued doing that, we've just gradually increased it since then again letting her lead.

Hope that helps a little :)
Remember the 4 day rule... when you introduce a new food...don't introduce anything else for another 4 days... your baby won't get bored of it... they've been drinking nothing but milk for 4 months and haven't gotten bored... :rotfl:

I also found that two small meals in the morning and in the afternoon were much better for lil miss than just one... but tbh we aren't consistent...some days she just has one... Take your lead from the baby... basically you don't want to crowd the milk from the diet... the food doesn't really give the babies anything nutritional or calorific much..its more to get them trained to eating, its difficult to digest so it keeps the full for longer... and the milk is far more important...
we started with just one meal a day at lunchtime, then after a week or so introduced an additional meal at breakfast. We were guided purely by Holly and what she wanted. Somedays she doesnt eat much of her food others she has lots. We just introduced a meal at teatime yesterday which she really enjoyed.

We kept it very simple - fruit or veg and now have started to combine different flavours together. She's still having pretty much all her milk as well so she will only have few spoonfuls.

To be honest, I've found the Annabel Karmel book brilliant, very clear and with planners you can use as a guide.
Thank you so much for your replies, they really help!

I asked my friend (who's baby is 2 months older than Ja) the same questions and she said she gave her son a new food everyday :shock: I thought that was 'too much too soon', thanks for confirming that Squiglet :)

Thanks for the idea's too happy_chick, I think i'll try him on butternut squash next time.... but how do you prepare and cook it?! I don't think i've had it myself so haven't got a clue :lol: Good idea about the baby rice too, would I just mix a puree into it?

Oh one more question... when giving apple I know your meant to cook it until it's soft, well do they have to be cooking apples or will eating apples be fine? Oh god, i'm so thick! :lol:

Thanks again :hug:

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