Early symptoms question


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
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Just a curiosity question really, do you get early symptoms such as sore boobs, peeing, moodiness etc before implantation or after implantation.

I guess I am clutching at straws, but I have none yet and I am 9 dpo, and last time I had all the above symptoms by 6dpo.

Hoping the ickle egg might not have implanted yet and I will wake up with symptoms full force tomorrow :rotfl:

Well actually I am very moody - but I have been for weeks so that doesn't count :rotfl: :rotfl:
I am now 3 days late but have had BFN on Ebay Cheapies. The only thing I have noticed is that I am always peeing and I don't seem to be as moody as I usually am before AF. I am going to be a decent test tomorrow unless the witch gets me before then.
I was in and out of the loo like a yoyo a couple of days ago, but it seems to have calmed down a bit - I started to get excited, but now trying to be realistic that I will have to look forward to next month :lol:

Good luck with your test. I haven't got one in the house. I refuse to until AF is late - well thats what I am saying now - lets see how I go in a few days :rotfl:
This month, I've had sore boobs since about CD5, well before ov, lol. So now if I have them afterwards, I won't know if it's PMT, pregnancy symptoms or what! :lol:

Good luck!
The earliest symptom that i have had if implantation has took place
is needing to wee lots of times through out the day and when you know you have only
drunk a certain amount or not had any fluid intake and keep needing a wee
then thats the first sign of pg .. I have been pregnant many times but lost all my pregnancys
and i always knew i was pg before test day when i needed to wee all the time
and also add that you get more white cm when pg due to hormones etc and sharp pain
on the lower left side like a pulling pain that lasts only a few seconds :)
Do you find that when you need this wee not alot comes out haha its like I need to go and when I do there is nothing there.

Its not cystitus (sp) cos I have that b4 and it burns !!!

Infuriating, but I have had this 4dpo which is too early for implantation and the symptom is going now so I guess it must have been something else causing it!!

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