Early scan 6w1d


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2014
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Hi all I had an early scan this morning due to my ruptured ectopic in April they scanned me saw what the expected to see at 6 weeks they didn't see a heartbeat they said it's quite normal not to at this stage and so I'm going back next week. My question is has anyone experienced this and is it really normal? I thought at about 6 weeks you could see the heartbeat xx
It can be quite normal not to see hb at 6 weeks but should be there by 7 weeks (this is when my epu offered scans for viability but obviously checking for ectopic is different).

Were all the other bits looking on track (ie measurements, yolk sac, gestational sac etc)?

It's hard going through this early stage when things have gone wrong before. Hang in there. X
I had a scan t 5+6 and there was no heartbeat and the baby measured only 2mm. Two weeks later the heart was beating away! xx
yeah they said everything they expected to see at this stage was seen just no heart beat so hopefully next week it will be seen. Just worry when you read so many different things on the internet u expect it all to be plain sailing . Xxx
Eminasya thankyou that's quite reassuring. Going off my dates I'm 5w6d at the scan they measured me at 6w1d so I'm hoping little blob will show us it's little heartbeat next week xx
Try not to worry too much and congrats that it's made it to the right place, it's quite a relief isn't it!

I had my early scan yesterday at 7 weeks and there was a heartbeat though I do believe that it may not be visible at 6 weeks. I'm sure that when you go for your next there will be a strong little heartbeat there x
I had a scan at 6+1 and was put back to 5+6 as there was no HB or baby visable.
Just yolk.

So i was rescanned 2 weeks later where i was out forward to 8+3 :) xx
They said there is a gestation sac a yolk sac and what they think is a baby in there just very tiny. They didn't seem concerned and said they can see what the expect to see at this stage I guess I was just hoping to see a heart beat flickering away fingers crossed next week will show just that... It's such an amazing feeling knowing little blob has made it to the right place after Aprils ectopic and loss of my right tube xxx

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