Early Pregnancy Scans


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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How Many of you/us (lol) had early pregnancy scans...?

I had two with Corey, I didnt know how far along I was, and was such a mess that the Dr wanted to know how far along I was so he knew how long I had to decide what I wanted to do etc.

My 1st one there was a sac, looked fine, in the right place etc, went back exactly two weeks later, and there was Corey, heart beating away 7+2 I was then. I waited a further 2-3 weeks I think before I started to tell people slowly... and we didnt even tell our parents till about a week after the 2nd scan.

next time I get pregnant, I guess im not going to get this luxuary. So will be paying for a scan at 8 weeks. How many of you have had scans early? OR is it really a waste of £100quid, and I should just wait til 12 weeks....?
Depends if you have the money to do it or not hun. I have had early scans in both pregnancies (private) as I just couldnt wait until 12 weeks :hug:
We didn't have an early one as such. We had a private Nuchal scan and bloods when I was 11+3. And then I cancelled our NHS dating scan the week after.

TBH I didn't want an early scan when I had some bleeding in first tri and declined it. I figured if anything was going to happen it would happen and no amount of scans would change that. I waited the few days after the bleeding and had no more, felt fine and carried on as normal.

I'd opt for another NT scan between 11-13 weeks next time and pay for it as it gives me peace of mind and I won't worry about other tests later on (amnio etc). But I won't pay privately for early scans before 11 weeks.
when i was pregnant with millie my first scan was my dating scan- and as i had to change doctors (i'd left home 3 years previously but never bothered to switch docs!) i was late getting it- i was 14+5 by LMP! (altho they did put me back to 13+2 at the scan)

next time i hope to get an early "reassurance" scan because of my miscarriage in november- would they do that for me on NHS? (sorry to hijack the thread!)

i wouldnt pay for one. if i had the spare money i'd rather spend it on baby stuff!
trixipaws said:
next time i hope to get an early "reassurance" scan because of my miscarriage in november- would they do that for me on NHS? (sorry to hijack the thread!)

I guess they would. But I'd not bank on it.
i had a scan at 9 weeks after bleeding but i then didnt have a dating scan at 12 weeks , i booked a private sexing scan at 16 weeks tho and that was the best scan i had .
I had one at about 5 weeks and another at 7 at the EPAU due to bleeding.
i had one at 6 weeks+3days at the hospital EPU i phoned saying i was concerned and something didn't feel right and i was gotten in that day and scanned
I had one at 5wks4 to check for sac and 6wks to see heartbeat due to pain in my right side I was concerned was ectopic - amzing to see how in 3 days my round sac had turned into a bean that was blinky at me which was the heart beat awesome.

I would love an early one when I get pregnant next, but doubt I will be able to.

Does it cost alot for the early one privately? I am a terrible worrier so might be worth while
I was given an early scan at 7 weeks due to me fretting having lost 2 before, it was very reassuring, i then had a private scan at 9-10 weeks when i had a small bleed which again was very reassuring
I was scheduled for an early scan at 8w, but ended up having one at 7 as well because of severe bleeding.

The reason for the scheduled one was that I'd just had a complicated m/c (two failed D&Cs at 12w & 14w, then natural m/c) and no period between. So they wanted to check on dates - and also whether all was ok, because of the 2 ops. The 7w one was obviously because of the bleeding, but also because they wanted to rule out the possibility that the bleeding was caused by further retained products - they were really concerned about that.

I don't think they automatically do early scans if you've had one previous m/c (at least, not here) - I was told I was getting it because my LMP was 5 months before! But it's worth asking.

I wouldn't pay for a scan in future pregnancies, and I didn't really like the idea of having 2 scans so close together, but because of the recent history, I was told it was my health they were concerned about and they needed to monitor me.
trixipaws said:
next time i hope to get an early "reassurance" scan because of my miscarriage in november- would they do that for me on NHS? (sorry to hijack the thread!)

I had a MC in 2007 which showed up when I had my scan at 13 weeks and I wasn't offered any kind of reassurance scan when I got pregnant with Farooq 6months later :shakehead:
I was basically told if I had no bleeding or other signs of MC before my 11 week scan (which was booked almost bang on 11 weeks :wink: ) then to forget it on the NHS. I didn't go private because I couldn't afford it :(

I might try pushing it again next time I get pregnant as we'll have moved to a different borough but I wont hold my breath :talkhand:
My 12 week scan was actually the 5th scan I'd had :shock: . I'd had IUI fertility treatment so I had 6 week to check if things were ok. Then I had very heavy bleeding and when got scanned also showed enlarged ovaries (they were HOOOGE like oranges and painful) which had to be monitered so when I had them looked at they checked on baby at the same time :D .
i paid for a scan at 12 weeks as the nhs one wasnt scheduled until i was over 15 weeks, despite 2 miscarriages and an ectopic, makes you proud to be british eh?
I had a scan at 7 weeks because I had some bleeding. for me it was amazing because there was the tiniest little heart beating and because I hadn't got any symptoms whatsoever it really confirmed for me that I was really pregnant. We'd been trying for ages and ages to get pregnant so it was nice to see the baby.

I don't think I'd bother with another one because there wasn't really anything to see......she just looked like a kidney bean so I don't think I'd bother getting one next time around unless I needed one
I had one a 6 weeks and one at 8 weeks. At 6 weeks I had a brown discharge and at 8 weeks I had a proper bright red bleed (which turned out to be a hormonal bleed as it was when my period would have been due).

I did have a private one booked for 9 weeks for reassurance but cancelled it after I had to have the NHS early scan.

I would definiately pay to have a viability scan next though - so reassuring.

L x
I had one at 4 weeks and saw nothing, one at 5 weeks which was when we saw the sac then another at 7 which is when we saw the heartbeat then we went on to have our scan at 12 weeks :eek:) xx
I had early scans at 6, 8 and 9 weeks because of bleeding.
I had my first scan at 12 weeks but if I was able to afford an early private scan I would have definatly had one just to put my mind at rest!
We had a scan this time at 6w6d because we've had 7 miscarriages and this time i'd made the consultant promise they'd keep a close eye on us and i'd been seeing the consultant since 4w6d. We've got another one next week as a reassurance thing I think as we've never (except for this time) made it past 6 weeks, but when i first saw them they got me on baby asprin, and hopefully thats whats helping.
(my scan is in the 1st tri scan bit, its a twiglet but the heart is so clear in the picture its bizarre!)

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