early pregnancy depression?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2011
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hey everyone
ive heard of PND, but can you get really low in the early stages too?

it could be my 'normal' mental illness crap, but i dont think so.
this is the first time ever ive actually wanted to go to hospital, just so i could be looked after and told what to do.

feeling a bit 'woe is me' :violin:
im like, all, BLAH.

You can get pre-natal depression, not sure if it's called that or ante-natal. but you defo can. Think of the hormones we're having to deal with. I have days where I just want to hang my head and cry, over the silliest things, then today I feel ok. I can't keep up with myself.

If you feel really down hun, don't hold back, give your midwife a call. They can refer you to a therapist during pregnancy xxxxx
Yes hun, because of changing hormones etc. Its really crappy too as you feel like you should be all happy and life is rosey. But like Maria says its best to talk to someone like your midwife about it. xxx
Depression and low mood is quite common in pregnancy from what I've read. The whole process is so overwhelming. Feelings that your life will never now be your own, thinking you aren't going to be good enough for baby etc it's an emotional roller coaster.

Your midwife will be able to help you hun and your support workers too. There are specialist counsellors for depression during pregnancy so maybe ask for a referral.

I always thought that I would love being pregnant after all this time but tbh I'm not totally enjoying it. Stress, fear, feeling vulnerable and stuff it all adds up to make me thoroughly pissed off sometimes.

Hope you feel better soon sweetie :hug: xxxxxxxx
babybrain, those 2 things you described first are exactly how im feeling!
i really dont think im going to be good enough.

i was already referred to the specialist people, i was as soon as i told the gp i am pregnant.
but because my care hasnt been transferred to this area yet, i moved from hertfordshire, they wont see me. commmunity mental health is just messed up. really messed up, my care wont be transferred until the new year, at least. and they always take forever with these things anyway.
feel like im heading for a mental breakdown, yet again.
Don't worry hun. I'll join you on hpw yopur feeling. I've had depression for years untreated then got full blown PND after son was born since then, I was on pills but stopped as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Me and OH argue most days I feel low and fedup. I have asked for counciling and thats in the process of being sorted x

I was depressed and low when I was pregnant with leo I told MW I had depression before they just said if I needed any help to let them know x

Hope your ok hun we are all here for you x
Think we all get times like that, the other niht i just burst into tears and kept saying to myself i cant do it i cant do it.... my poor friend didnt have a clue what to do, said it wasnt me at all, hormones are all over the place x
thanks girls, glad to know im not alone, well, obviously not glad that people feel like this, but you know what i mean! :) x

ive been able to control it better this time, i have history of suicide and self harm, but although i still think of that automatically, a few seconds later and im like, no, i dont want to do any of that.
also, i havnt had a cigarette in 2 days, so although im pleased, im also very on edge! im on antibiotics and this cream kind of stuff for various infections, saw gp today and they have to send stuff off for tests.
plus, the police are seeing me on monday about the assault on me, by them.
everything is happening at once!!!! GAH!

just try and take it easy, one step at a time, day by day, thats all you can do x
and remember, theres always people in here to talk to, so you dont ever have to feel alone.
i spoke to one of the therapists, not about everything, but little bits.
feeling a little better.
but who knows how long that will last! lol

thank god for PF!
dont know what id do without you all *hugs everyone*
So glad i came across this thread. Im terribly down at the mo. i almost split from partner and booked a termination today bcuz i thought its the wrong time, wrong man, cant do it, want life back etc.
Its left my partner a right mess n i feel so bad but i reckon i jus need to stick with it.
I was also waiting for cognitive behavioral therapy recently becuz my mind is messed up.
I hope things can change. Gud luck to all x
im sorry you're feeling like that hun *hugs*

CBT will be good to do, it helped me alot when i did it years ago. 'changing the way you feel by changing the way you think.' it can be quite emotionally draining, but helpful.
if you want to PM me at anytime, feel free. ill try to help and support any way i can

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