early labour?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Hi all. Hope you are all well.

I'm just wondering what the rest of you think about my situation. I've had a lot of really bad lower back ache during the night. It was a constant dull ache and every now and again I had bad pains (like period pains) in my lower abdomen. I did not time the pains because I was trying to sleep through them to save my energy just incase it was labour. This morning, I've still got the back ach continuously and when I walk around, I sometimes get the pains in my lower abdomen. Last week when I saw the mjdwife, she told me my baby was 3/5 engaged. Does anyone think that these are signs that my LO could come early?

Thanks in advance xx
I was like this for about 4/5 weeks before Lola arrived and she was 12 days late, Everyone kept saying she was going to be early :)

Everyones different though so this could be the start for you :hug:
hard to say really... i had back pain for ages before i went into labour, but for 24 hours before labour i had really bad back ache and period like pains... so could well be!!!!! how are you feeling now?
my pains started in the night and through the day came and went, but by night there was no doubt i was in labour as they soon turned into contractions.
i had effacing pains for 2 days b4 i gave birth, felt like period pains with "peaks" i thought they were contractions! not sure about back pain tho i never hah it. there is a chance ur baby could be early, u never know!
good luck if this is it!

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