early gender test?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i'm sure i read somewhere about a year or two ago that there is some test u can do from 7 weeks to tell which sex the baby is??? is it commercially available if so how much is it? i wanna knoooooooooooooooooo! :lol: i would be happy either way i really dont think i have a preference but i am jus so impatient! :lol:
The baby's gender is determined at the moment of conception, depending on whether a male or female sperm fertilises the egg.

Ultrasound can tell from around 16 weeks, as this is when the relevant bits are formed enough to tell which sex it is. CVS can identify the gender, but I don't think it is done solely for this purpose, commercially or otherwise because it is an invasive process that carries some degree of risk (they take a cell sample from the placenta I think)

If you need a CVS for other purposes (eg identified as high risk of downs or some kind of congenital abnormality) they will also tell you the gender should you so wish, which is how people can sometimes find out earlier than the ultrasound can tell, but as far as I'm aware, it's not used solely as a way of determining the gender.
I read about one of these tests before. A couple too the test and the test said that she was having a girl. So they went out and bought all girlie stuff etc. Then at her 20 week scan, she asked the sonographer to check the sex and it turns out she was having a boy. The tests were a complete rip off. They spent over £100 on it too. I would wait for your scan huni. You don't want to be disappointed. :hug:
Trix hun are you on about these?


If you are please don't waste your money its a huge con, its still only 50/50 and I am sure ive read that they use very simple ph levels testing.

Which if its the case you'd might aswell by some ph strips off ebay for a £1 :lol:
I agree with Tasha, those tests have got to be a load of crap, there's no way they can tell from your urine. I also heard about some kind of test that claimed to test the baby's DNA from a sample from you - again that's impossible or else they wouldn't have to wait till after birth to do paternity tests! Think you'll just have to wait honey...
*Rainbow* said:
Chopsie said:
The baby's gender is determined at the moment of conception, depending on whether a male or female sperm fertilises the egg.

Ultrasound can tell from around 16 weeks, as this is when the relevant bits are formed enough to tell which sex it is. CVS can identify the gender, but I don't think it is done solely for this purpose, commercially or otherwise because it is an invasive process that carries some degree of risk (they take a cell sample from the placenta I think)

If you need a CVS for other purposes (eg identified as high risk of downs or some kind of congenital abnormality) they will also tell you the gender should you so wish, which is how people can sometimes find out earlier than the ultrasound can tell, but as far as I'm aware, it's not used solely as a way of determining the gender.

I know that from the start th sex is determind, but i didnt think it was "apparant" till later, IE visually.. isnt it th whole debate about why men have nipples? because they were a neutral sex to start with.. i clearly am talking crap arent i? lol
x x

You arent talking crap, you are almost right. Males have nipples because the mammary structures need more time to develop than the genitals (both male and female being of very similar structure). The genes that determine the sex do not come into play when the nipples are being made so the body develops them in both sexes just in case it needs them. Hope that makes sense.

Trixi, I remember something about a test you could have from very early on. I think it was a blood test (dont quote me on that) but it was very expensive.
lol i shall just have to (impatiently!) wait then! :lol: thanx ladies :)

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