Early/Due Date/Late


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Hiya girls,

Just wondering who had their babies Early, on the due date or suffered from the waiting game.

My little man was born on his due date. His punctual like his mommy x
My little man came a week early, after a week and a half in slow labour.. Very unlike his mummy as she's NEVER early :lol: Must be his daddy in him xx
Lacey was 2 days late which was very lucky cos Tim smashed his car up on her due date and charley was 8 days early and arrived 8hours after Tim got back from Italy!
Do you see my kids like to work around their daddy?! Lol
Isla was 5 days early :) I was a due date baby and am always on time for everything. My husband was late (his mum says by a MONTH! I don't believe her lol) and he's late for everything.

Emma x
Tegan was 4 days late stubborn little monkey she liked keeping mummy waiting! OH is always late other than for work so must take after him xx
I'm currently 2 days overdue but have been in labour for almost 24 hours! Ahh!! X
Amelia was due date baby! Nice and punctual but I was doing everything I possibly could to evict her!!
All mine were early. Eldest a week early, 2nd boy 4 weeks early and Drake 3 weeks early (well, 20 days early to be precise lol) Not like me and their dad at all! They just couldn't wait to see mammys beautiful face that's all. :lol:
H was a due date baby too!his daddy kept singing to him so I think he thought he better be on time otherwise daddy might sing again!lol!
i was doing everything to get Jack out.. The usual :) lexi hold in there when it happen its so WOW x
Freddie was 9 days late but went into labour 7 days overdue. I blame DH for telling everyone he was going to arrive on his birthday - I was in labour for the whole of that but Freddie wanted to have his own birthday and came the day after!
aww that's so sweet. These children seem to work around there daddies :) x
The hospital gave me a due date of 14th Nov but I knew there was no way it was right, we only had sex the once and our dates said he was due on 7th Nov. He arrived on Nov 21st so I make that VERY late, just like his mum and dad!
Grace was 8 days late but I started with contractions when she was 3 days overdue, 5 days of no sleep was a killer especially before being in established labour. I think she really wanted to come but was struggling which is why I think I ended up having a c section!
Bella was 7 days late and Colbi was 5 days late :)

esoames- that could be true, i was 5weeks late, my mum had 3 different due dates given to her and the hospital said the later date was right but i came out black and blue and my placenta was rotting and fallin to bits so clearly i was well over cooked lol
my OH was a due date baby :) x
Morgan was 9 days past my due date, i dont like calling it late tho cos pregnancy is normal to be 38-42 weeks long :lol:
By the time Lizzie arrived she was 2 weeks over, longest 2 weeks ever!
Charlie arrived promptly on his due date and little Ollie was delivered 2 weeks early by planned section due to complications so unsure when he would have arrived otherwise
Matthew was almost 5 weeks early, was due on 4th march and arrived on Sunday, (30/01)
I was a due date baby though!

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