Dummy or no dummy??

I've bought 2 dummies so far to see how it goes, also bought a comforter teddy with a little soft blanket attached to hopefully steer my Lo away from having a dummy too much... I work at a children's theme park and it really bugs see to Eee kids at an older age STILL using a dummy xxx
Didn't use one with first untill she was a few weeks old, she was really collicky & HV advised us to try it (it did stop the crying right enough) wished we'd done it from the start

A close friend told me they advised her to use one at the hospital, as it is comforting. Dont know if thats standard practise but thats what they said to her anyway. And a similar thing to me and that was 7 years ago!

Can have terrible results if dummy is given for too long, i'd say 1/2 yrs any more they might end up with a lisp or damage teeth.

Both my boys had dummies and from 12 months made sure they only had them for naps and at night. Both are very good talkers and no problems with their teeth. have got dummies for this one too. my sister wasnt given a dummy as my mum had just weaned me off mine she is 30 and still sucks it xxx
I offered a dummy to both my boys, but both refused it! Conner had to have speech therapy and still struggles to pronounce his 'R's'! Neither of my boys suck their thumbs! So I agree, if they are gonna suck thumbs, that's how they are going to be, dummy or no dummy!
We have bought a pack of 2 dummy's to see if little lady wants one, if she don't she don't! It will be her choice :)
2 of mine loved theirs and one wouldn't take it, depends on the baby really but the 2 that did take it got a lot of comfort from them, so I don't see any harm in it and they all speak just fine :D I have bought a pack of 2 for this lil one and he will either take it or wont.
i had my dummy til i was 4 and it didnt damage or deform my teeth or affect my speech (was talking at 9 months single words and 12 months full sentences). would have had it less but i stole my brothers when my mum tried to take mine away lol. i will be offering my LO a dummy once its born.
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my daughter went the first 6 days without a dummy, but then she started to want something to comfort her and help her settle. her dad didnt want her to have one but he wasnt the one looking after a screaming baby so i over ruled him lol.

at 2 yrs old i told her to get allher dummies and put them in the bin as she was too big for them now and big girls didnt have them. we got rid of them and she never sked for them again.

i made sure when she was a baby and had one she only had them when really upset so it was alot easier to get them off her etc
a sucked a dummy til i was 4 or 5 and screamed the house down when it was taken off me. ever since, ive had no issues now with thumb sucking/speech etc. think when my lo comes i will use a dummy if it helps x
Dummies aren't recommended if you're planning to breastfeed, due to the sucking action being different, it can confuse little ones.

My bf workshop suggested waiting until it is established befire using one.

We have no choice about pickle being a thumb sucker, he/she has been doing it already, you can see in my 20 week scan pics, thumb moving to mouth and in the last pic, thumb in mouth, it's amazing!
babies suck their thumb in the womb so if they are used to sucking on something to soothe themselves then they may well suck their thumb after birth.

i dont see anything wrong with LO having a dummy and if it keeps them settled for longer the better, its hard enough having a new born so any bit of help is a god send.
I've got a couple of dummies to use. Will try my best not to use them but they are just incase.

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