
I'm glad you posted this gymbabeliz :)

I was actually sitting on the fence regarding dummies and when I saw Daniel on his last scan sucking his hand I thought he would be a thumb sucker like his mum used to be :wink:

After he was born he had to go into neonatal and had to have a splint on the hand he had been sucking on. He became so frustrated and where he was trying to reach that hand he kept hitting himself in the face :( I then thought I would try him with a dummy and he has had one since. Mind you he's next to me in his baby bouncer without one at the moment as I only give him it to him if he won't settle...and always at night.

I think years ago dummies were bigger, so maybe that's why our mums tend to be a little against them...check out this link:

http://www.babybottle-museum.co.uk/dummy.htm :)
DebbieM said:
however, Luke has one and he seems to have a love/hate relationship with it, He likes it for comfort but very soon spits it out when he has had enough/falls asleep which we are pleased about.

ditto :)
Kim&Leah said:
DebbieM said:
however, Luke has one and he seems to have a love/hate relationship with it, He likes it for comfort but very soon spits it out when he has had enough/falls asleep which we are pleased about.

ditto :)

Same for us, I was very reluctant to give one to Eva but the sucking does seem to sooth her when she is colicky in the evenings so we restrict its use to bedtime!
DebbieM said:
I don't particularly like dummies, however, Luke has one and he seems to have a love/hate relationship with it, He likes it for comfort but very soon spits it out when he has had enough/falls asleep which we are pleased about.

ditto ! it does calm him , and likes it when over tired but he doesnt have one at night nor do i use it to get him to sleep . he hates the newborn ones , doesnt mind the ortho but loves the cheap old cherry one !
I wasn't too keen on dummies when I first had her but after four weeks or so when she kept sucking on my nipples for comfort and overfilling her tummy I tried one and it worked like a treat. She's gradually become less dependent on them and has been able to pick it up and put it in herself if she wants for a while now, which is great.
DebbieM said:
I don't particularly like dummies, however, Luke has one and he seems to have a love/hate relationship with it, He likes it for comfort but very soon spits it out when he has had enough/falls asleep which we are pleased about.

Same here i'm not the biggest fan of dummies either, but, Sam has his for a short while and soon spits it out when he goes to sleep.
I often find he uses my boob as a dummy though when I am feeding him.
DebbieM said:
I don't particularly like dummies, however, Luke has one and he seems to have a love/hate relationship with it, He likes it for comfort but very soon spits it out when he has had enough/falls asleep which we are pleased about.

Same here i'm not the biggest fan of dummies either, but, Sam has his for a short while and soon spits it out when he goes to sleep. He's also discovered his thumb though and alternates between the two.
I felt really bad about giving Jack a dummy, again something I picked up from my folks I think.

I didn't buy him one, we had one in a gift bag from a family member and one day he was using me as a dummy so much - over feeding and being sick, only latching on to go to sleep, screaming all the time he didn't have something to suck - that I caved in, dug it out and gave it to him.

For a few days I would hide it when people came round and didn't want anyone to know incase I was branded "bad mother" but in the end figured that if this was the best way to calm him down enough to sleep when he's having his "demon child" session (9pm colicy do) then tough sh1t was other people think.

Then I see all this about airways and so on and I'm glad that he has it at night, even if he does spit it once he's nodded off.
I find them fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has a lot of colic in the evenings and will just lay there and squirm and whinge and i give him a dummy and it really calms him down. it drops out of his mouth when hes asleep most of the time and that doesnt bother him he will just carry on sleeping. but i find if ure in the doctors or somewhere and hes getting a bit fidgety then i give him a dummy and he just sits there sucking on it he loves it!
I think the main reason dummies used to have a bad press is because of babies not being weaned off them early enough then they can cause problems with the teeth, but thumb sucking can cause similar problems and can damage the thumb as well as the mouth I have seen a child with a slightly deformed thumb due to sucking it constantly and the problem with thumb sucking is you cant take it away!
I think dummies can be a god send in early days but should be weaned off when baby starts developing teeth definately by the time they start talking as they can really interfer with speach with it being muffled with dummy kept in or child not bothering to speak at all as being understood means taking the dummy out. But thats just my opinion from my experience.

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