I'm glad you posted this gymbabeliz
I was actually sitting on the fence regarding dummies and when I saw Daniel on his last scan sucking his hand I thought he would be a thumb sucker like his mum used to be
After he was born he had to go into neonatal and had to have a splint on the hand he had been sucking on. He became so frustrated and where he was trying to reach that hand he kept hitting himself in the face
I then thought I would try him with a dummy and he has had one since. Mind you he's next to me in his baby bouncer without one at the moment as I only give him it to him if he won't settle...and always at night.
I think years ago dummies were bigger, so maybe that's why our mums tend to be a little against them...check out this link:

I was actually sitting on the fence regarding dummies and when I saw Daniel on his last scan sucking his hand I thought he would be a thumb sucker like his mum used to be

After he was born he had to go into neonatal and had to have a splint on the hand he had been sucking on. He became so frustrated and where he was trying to reach that hand he kept hitting himself in the face

I think years ago dummies were bigger, so maybe that's why our mums tend to be a little against them...check out this link: