This might seem a little controversial, but I thought that it deserved some defence...
There are, and have been, so many threads and posts of the men in our lives. Sadly, getting more negative reviews rather than postitive. Having said that, I know and understand where a lot of you are coming from - we're not all blessed with a perfect OH.
There is one thing we can do though... we can teach our sons all the wonderful values they require to respect themselves and the people around them. We must be careful that our boys don't pick up on "all men are *******s" feelings. Our boys are special and if they lack a good rolemodel, we can step in and show them the way.
So, here's a round of applause for all the good and wonderful men that so often get left behind and fall under the above saying!!
I'm a Libran, so just looking to create a bit of balance today!
Emilia xx
There are, and have been, so many threads and posts of the men in our lives. Sadly, getting more negative reviews rather than postitive. Having said that, I know and understand where a lot of you are coming from - we're not all blessed with a perfect OH.
There is one thing we can do though... we can teach our sons all the wonderful values they require to respect themselves and the people around them. We must be careful that our boys don't pick up on "all men are *******s" feelings. Our boys are special and if they lack a good rolemodel, we can step in and show them the way.

So, here's a round of applause for all the good and wonderful men that so often get left behind and fall under the above saying!!

I'm a Libran, so just looking to create a bit of balance today!

Emilia xx