Dummies - 3 week Antonio loves it!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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Hi Girls,

Baby Antonio is 3 weeks old and loves to suck away at his fingers and on my boob e.t.c and im assuming this is a comfort thing?

At first I wondered if it was because he was hungry and so after 3 hours of him sucking on and off my boob I realised he's not hungry at all and hes just playing with it :rotfl: he looked very content and was not doing the cry he sometimes does to let me know hes hungry.


I decided to just "try" one of the Avent dummies 0-3 months. My only and main concern with this before I tried it was "Nipple Confusion" and the possibility that he might reject my breast afterwards but the complete opposite has happened!
Last night I gave him his dummie and HE LOVED IT! and when it came to his mid-night breastfeed he latched on straight away and was taking my milk!

Ive decided not to give him his dummie during the day as he feeds so much anyway and at the same time by only giving it to him at night he may start to realise the difference between daytime playtime and sleep time. So far so good! Also the moment he does fall asleep I take the dummie away.

Problem is......The 3 different midwives ive seen have all said not to do it due to "Nipple Confusion" however lots of other people have said to me that every baby is different and mums have been using dummies for years from newborn with no problems.

What is your opinion? Do you think Antonio is to young for this? What have your experiences been?

T xx
I gave Lola a dummy when she was tiny i can't remember how old she was but it didn't cause her any confusion :D

She doesn't have it anymore though because she gave it up herself when she was about 4 months :dance:
I gave Ryan one too... I can't remember which age I started him on it, but he was sucking on me to get himself to sleep, and I needed a break from it! Did the job, and we're still breastfeeding at 6 months +.
Austin had a dummy from 10 days old because he was a sucky baby too. It never caused nipple confusion, he's been happy on the boob or with a bottle. We still have one breastfeed a day and he's 11 months old. I want to try to wean him off the dummy when he hits a year old because I figure it'll be easier then than when he's 3.

There's nothing wrong with giving a dummy, as long as it's not the first thing you do every time he cries.
they soon figure out there is nothing coming out of it and then the spitting it out game starts :) I know when my LO is hungry because the dummy comes out every 3 seconds
Both my older children had dummies, and they both breastfed until six months, no confusion. :D
My youngest didnt want a dummy. We are still bfing at eight months...
As they say, all kids are different!

:hug: :hug:


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