Due today and nothing happend!


New Member
Apr 17, 2012
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This is my first time on forums...So i'd like to share my story with others.

my due date is today 17-april-2012 and nothing has happend yet. I had a few cramps last week but it wasn't continuously. Maybe my contractions are starting slow. As of now I'm just laying here uncomfortably on the couch haven't slept alot lately i'm getting annoyed and im not comfortable at home. I feel like shyt most of the time, im getting to a point that im fedup of receiving txts and calls from others to know if im at the hospital, i just dont wanna hear any excitement from others because im getting cranky like ive never felt in my life. I just feel upset and i have these major headaches. Ofcourse with other sore pains...

Last period was 18 july 2011 im confuse with these due date i stop counting how many week pregnant i am. it's aggravating. Had a doc appointment last week i was 39 weeks. Tomorrow is my next appt. so maybe the doc will detach my membranes. Last visit at doc, she wanted to do it but it was hurting inside of me so she stopped. So tomorrow i will ask to detach em pain or no pain i'll still tell her to do so.
going u to 42 weeks isstill considered normal.also most first time pregnancies the babies get binr on average on day 40weeks+8days
i know how u feel i have gone over my dates 3 times between 10 days to 14 days was a nigghtmare but they wouldnt do nothing to help me alone in end needed starting off :-/ ,what do u mean by detach membranes?? break ur waters or give u a sweep ? ah i see u are from montreal i think they do things difrently over there to here in the uk, gd luck hope it happenes soon xx

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