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induced labours


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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hi have any of you been induced?
ive had a sweep on monday and been losin alot of my bloody show and im havin another sweep today but if she isnt here by monday im goin in to be induced and im abit scared.
does it hurt alot more than a natural birth>? and does it make labour last longer? thanx x
I was induced, so cant compare the pain of it next to a natural birth, but I honestly didnt think it was that bad.

The pethedine (think thats what it's called) did nothing for me, but as soon as the drip was attached I was on my way!
I was induced and didn't find it that bad. Obviously I've nothing to compare it to, but I managed on gas and air. Also, as the contractions are more intense, it meant my labour only lasted 3 hours from having my waters broken.
I was induced with my 2nd child and didn't think it was that bad. I dilated really quickly and I didn't think it was any more painful really. It did start quickly but I did anyway with my 3rd who wasn't induced. It was quite a difficult birth but I can't really blame that on the induction it was more because she was in the wrong position.
I had a sweep on the Tuesday evening which didn't work and was Induced on the following Thursday night.

I gave birth exactly 12 hours after being given the gel, 9 hours in labour.

I can't say if it was more or less painful as it was my first pregnancy, but all I can say was that I never found it too painful. All I had was gas and air as the morphine didn't really work.

Hope this helps
This thread is so good to read! I'm booked in for induction on Tuesday and i'm bricking it but after reading your replies I feel loads better.

Thanks for asking the question Jodie :)
I was fine with contractions up to 7cm with Isaac, naturally, after the drip induction I'm afraid to say things went quite badly for me, and I ended up having the epidural. Whether it was quite bad because he was high, tilted and back to back, I do not know, but I personally would avoid a drip induction in future, they cause contractions which are not natural, and so your body can't always work well with them. Very best wishes with whatever happens :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sorry I cannot agree it was pleasant but it wasn't, I don't have a second birth to compare it with yet either, but there are different ways to be induced, the drip is usually used last, after special circumstances or long labours;

http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/l ... cedlabour/
I think it helps if you are physically ready, ie well overdue as opposed to being induced before your body was ready for medical reasons.

I was induced at 2 days overdue and it was the worst pain I've ever experienced and certainly nothing close to a bad period pain!

However, Maia was partially back to back and her head was very high. Also I don't think my cervix had started to change at all at the point of induction.

For me it was very quick though. I had the prostin gel at about 8pm and was in alot of pain by 11pm, had epidural at 1am!

Still theres no need to be a hero, have an epidural if you need it!

Good luck!
:hug: :hug:
lucky you being induced so early,

my consultant wont induce until you are at least 12 days over...

mines booked for tuesday
i was induced.. and aftr 18 hrs labour..had only dialted4cms... i found it really painful untili got the epidural.. i tried gas and air.. but this mademe throw up....forthe 1st12 hrs oflabour they would only give me paracetamol...i was told by themidwifes in hosptial that being induced is morepainful than naturalandthe contractions comeon quicker andmoreintense....i was induced with the tablet and when the 2nd dose wasinserted...i screamed as the1st dose had caused a burning sensation downthere...:-( i am usually good with pain...

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