Due dates.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Had anyone managed to negotiate their due date with their midwife/consultant?
I got moved forward by 6 days which would mean I OVed on CD8 which is the day after my period stopped, I know I didn't as I got a BFN on CD25 which would have been a BFP had I OVed on CD8. Anyway as I always go over I want my date moving back so I don't end up being induced before baby has had a chance to come on their own. Has everyone else HAD to go by their scan date?
Thanks. x
My mw left my due date as it was, but I was moved forward by 2 days only
Thanks, I am just worried as 6 days forward when they only let you go 10days overdue is a big difference. I can but try I guess.
was your date moved after your 12 week scan. ?

When i was pregnant with my daughter the docs got my date wrong by a week and the scan confirmed this (i was a week ahead) she said she wouldnt change the date as you are determined full term from 38 weeks anyway, as it was she came day after the day i thought she was due but the docs put it down as 39 weeks.

This time round they changed my due date after the scan from 30 july to 4th August
aNot much help im afraid but if you are concerned i would speak to your midwife
Thanks Songbird, yes they moved me at my 12 week scan, I thought I was 12+1 they said I was 13, but my husband and I are both tall so I think the baby may just be on the higher percentile range for crown to rump length than the average 50th percentile baby which is what they date you as. I just really don't want an induction as I went into labour naturally with both of my previous pregnancies, I feel like I would be induced when only 4 days over. I see my consultant in a coulple of weeks then then my midwife so I will have to see what they say.

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