Due date approaching :/


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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20 weeks ago today I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl, her due date is this coming Wednesday.
I was determined to not get myself worked up over it, as I know the day will come and go just like any other. Chances are if she had made it she would have been late anyway.
I can't help reflecting though, popping into tri three and seeing all those ladies have their babies. They are all such tiny miracles and I'm happy for them, but it makes me think what I would have been doing, and feeling, and dreaming if I were there too. Instead my little girl is in ashes, yet to be shared with the world. Never in my craziest moments did I imagine this.
I know I'm not the first and sadly not the last to be here, doing this. xx
Hi Meg, I know exactly how you're feeling Hun. It will be a year ago on the 7th May since we said goodbye to Rebecca and it will be hard on 5th June too as it would've been Joshua's due date.

Thinking of you :hugs: xxx
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I know when my due date came and went i thought it would be a relief but now all i can think about is how much my life should have changed. i hope your ok big hugs xxxx
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I knew I wouldn't be alone! Thank you ladies. I'm ok, just finding myself quite teary just now but there's a lot of concern about my mums health just now too. She's a huge support for me, and we're both trying to be there for each other. I'll have to think of something nice to do on Wednesday. Funny thing is, this whole week I've seen so many rainbows. Now I'm not religious but it feels like someone somewhere is giving me a bit of a hug. small things eh.
Hugs Meg, it's so difficult isn't it.
I've had a tough week too, Monday was the 1 year anniversary of my 13 week loss and Thursday was the due date of my 9 week loss, been a double whammy :-(
Hi Meg, it is very tough, the rainbows is a lovely story as Im sure your little girl is watching out for you. The significant dates can be so hard, I found my due date so sad as none of my friends even realised only me and my hubby knew. One of my friends rang me on what have been my twins due date to let me know that another of her friends had a little girl that day. I am happy that her baby is here safely & I didn't mention that it was in fact my due date but it just hurt that nobody remembered. I would have been due in March and I know 6 girls locally who've all had there babies. I am truly glad for them but it makes me realise all the happiness I have missed out on. Our angels are looking after us and I hope that our sticky baby beans will be with us soon x
Hi Meg, so sorry lovely. I keep going to the April mummies in tri3 as well, its lovely to see the ladies there having their babies but also sad as I am thinking that should be me. I wasn't too bad on my due date but I got AF on sat and have been so down since then as I thought i had caught this month.
The universe works in very mysterious ways doesn't it, I'm sure your little girl is still with you in spiritxx
Sorry to hear about your mum, hope her health improves.
:-( I cant believe its been 20 weeks already. Time has gone so fast yet I bet it often feels like its stood still for your family.
Could you all do something together to remember her or something that would make you smile? Either way I will be thinking of you xx
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Hope you have a special day with your loved ones.
Today was my little Oirrinn's due date. We spent some lovely family time together and managed to scatter her ashes just how we wanted, in just the right place. Another milestone in our journey with our little angel. x
RIP Angel Oirrinn!
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