Dry skin


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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My Jessy has quite bad dry skin on her body I was using Johnson's products but have stopped now since then have tried E45 lotion and cocoa butter on her skin but she still feels dry. Anyone else got any ideas on what I could try? xxxxxxxx
aqueous (sp) cream from superdrug or boots
brilliant stuff and i use it too :wink:
because hayden was so late he had dry skin too the best thing to use is olive oil- not the cooking one! but you can buy it from boots or any chemist its brilliant i gave him baby massage after his baths using it and it cleared up so quick! hes got gorgeous skin now xx
my HV gave me a prescription for cetraben for Evie's dry skin....it's brilliant stuff. I've used it on my Nan's dry legs...worked a treat! :lol:
I'll get both tomorrow and try them to see what works best for us. Thanks for the replies ladies xxxxxxx
grapeseed oil for me , was better then olive and cheaper lol or avent magic cream .
Thanks for the replies ladies :D Just wondering what you all use to wash your LO's? as I am using Johnsons softwash but that is probably not helping her skin but not sure what else to get that might be better xxxxx
Ooooh no don't use Johnsons products, they'll make her skin worse.

I don't use anything on my two, they get washed in the bath (plain water) with a sponge/flannel which gets any dirt off just fine (and they're mucky pups!). Obviously I use shampoo and baby conditioner (DD's hair is long and curly).
I know the products smell nice but they're really harsh on their skin, despite their claims!

And for dry skin I swear by Lush Dream Cream, it's worked wonders for DDs excema :)
Yeah, I'd definitely get rid of the Johnsons stuff.
Tom has really dry skin.
We tried E45 but it made it worse and turns out he's allergic to lanolin.
Now I use emulsifying cream from the chemist. It's really cheap and works brilliantly. My GP recommended it.
I heard that a cream called Aveeno (available from GP) is good. Also Oilatum Junior (a cream and also a bubble bath)
Brody has eczema and we use Oilatum Jr in the bath, aqueus cream to wash him, oilatum cream when he gets out and his prescribed cream when it flares up really bad.

Can I ask what shampoo everyone uses for their LO's? Sorry to hijack your thread gems :oops: :hug:
i use either johnsons baby shampoo or tescos own brand which is actually really good- i didn't use any johnsons products on hayden untill he was about 1 because the midwives at my antenatal class said its very drying and i found that to be true- i also use a top to toe wash from tesco i even use it myself its lovely and soft :)
daftscotslass said:
We use olive oil for her dry skin and the difference is amazing!
its amazing isnt it! my HV first told me to get some for hayden because he was 10 days late and had dry hands and feet- his skin is lovely now- i use the olive oil on my legs after the bath and they are smooth as a babies behind :rotfl:

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