Drop In Thread


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Thought I would start a thread where we could all drop in and say hi and keep each other updated on random things that you might not want to start a new thread about.

Hi everyone - hope you are well.

Will introduce myself quickly.

I have a 1 1/2 year old daughter and my husband and I were trying for this little bean for 7 months.

I only found out on Saturday, did a second test this morning to confirm I wasn't going mad

So far I have quite bad constipation (I think that is what is making my stomach cramp) and just had some afternoon sickness :rotfl:

So :wave: everyone

Lots of love
hey! congrats on ur bfp!

im emma, I'm now 10+1 weeks and have my 12 week scan on the 23rd of july (havent told you guys yet :D) and im so excited i cant sit still! lol

and im getting really frustrated cos my bumps hiding under my belly podge, and im really impatient, i wana actually see my baby, even if it is only on a screen!!!

oo yeh and my sickness is finally starting to ease off a bit yay! :D and my energy levels have come back up (along with my libido) double yay! :D :D stil have sore bbs tho, thats not so yay :(

hoep u have a hhappy healthy pregnancy!
OOO - good luck for your scan :D

I can't wait for mine (got a while though! :rotfl: )

Glad your sickness is easing up - bet your OH is glad your libido is back, hey? :wink:
Hello all...

i'm kim, i'm 19 and my oh is called shane and is also 19.

we were together for nearly 3 years and then split up for a year and then got back together this april..
founf out the month after that i'm pregnant and i am just over 9 weeks. got my scan on 17th july and cant wait :D
lol yeh, was a bit of a shock to his system bless him. why is it tho that men just dont understand that if u feel sick, tired, bloated and moody that you just honestly dont feel like it, im sure he thinks i just used my sickness as an excuse lol.

i know what you mean about the scan, i found out at four weeks and it seems like it been forever!
Hey Everyone!

Im 22 and my OH is also 22, Im 13weeks & 4days pregnant and we're getting married in October after being together 5 years :)

Im in 2nd Tri now but thought id reply anyway!

i didnt know u were getting married jo! congrats! you'll have to share sum pics wiv us, i'll try not to get too jealous i promise :lol:
youngmumtobe20 said:
i didnt know u were getting married jo! congrats! you'll have to share sum pics wiv us, i'll try not to get too jealous i promise :lol:

Awww thanks, we booked it last week so its a mad rush to get everything perfect lol arrghhhh! But im sure we will manage it :) x
I am Helen, got married to Eian nearly 2 years ago now.
Started trying just after xmas when i came off the pill.
Ive just had an emergency scan to make sure all is ok, so saw my bean for the 1st time last fri. They put me back a bit to 9 weeks today :evil: so it feels like ill never get to double figures at the moment.
Got my dating scan 30th July and seeing the mw for the 1st time fri :D

Been fairly :puke: since 6 weeks. :lol:

Forgot to say that we move into our new house in 4 weeks time. Yay! Not lookign forward to moving stuff about 13 weeks preggers.
i'm dami i'm 27 my husband is ray 21(my toyboy :D )
i am waiting for midwife to ring for a scan as i am a bit unsure bout my dates but am prob roughly around 5+3 weeks preg.
This is my 3rd baby and i am sooo excited as we have been trying since my second baby was born!
:wave: :wave: :wave:

Everyone - looking forward to getting to know you all :hug:

Is anyone else still at the stage where it all feels a bit surreal and like you are making it up?

I feel like I am pretending :oops: I don't feel great, but I keep telling OH I feel fine because I think I am making it up and I have no reason to feel ill :roll:
im 10 weeks and i STILL feel like im making it up, i think its because we cant tell that we're pregnant on the outside so u feel like ur not on the inside. i dont think i'll feel like its real til i get a bump thats visible!
I agree -I seem to remember being the same with my DD.
Although I do remember being in early labour and having a day dream that the midwives pulled a cushion out of my top and I wasn't pregnant :rotfl:


Anyone got an instant cure for constipation :oops:
It's getting painful now :(
Aww it does start to become more real bit by bit, it has for me anyway but its still slightly surreal if im honest!

Constipation can be helped by eating plenty of fruit, drinking plenty of water & orange juice, high fibre diet (things like weetabix are good, brown bread etc), prunes are recommended but never tried them myself. Hope that helps a little :)

If it gets really bad then see your GP as there are some remedies that are safe to take during pregnancy when necessary.

x :D
Thanks hun - willget some prunes from the shop. I like them so they're worth a shot :hug:
Hi I'm Karen, been married to Chris 3 years in September but been together for 12.

We have 2 boys so hoping #3 is a girl. Morning sickness is starting to ease off now but have just started getting really bad headaches which I never really suffer from :?

Still no libido and both praying it will return soon :pray:

Can't wait till 1st scan on 6th August :dance:
Hi :wave:

I'm Emily (35 :shock: ) married to Alex (38 :shock: :shock: ). Have son Thomas who will be 2 in a few weeks time. Expecting no.2 in March :pray: after m/c in April. Definitely think it's another boy for some reason, which would be great as Tom is a real boy's boy if you know what I mean.

Living in Bahrain in Middle East for a year now. Flying back to London tonight :cheer: for 5 weeks to get away from the 45 degree heat here!!! So won't be able to check forum very much so don't think I'm ignoring anyone!

Hope everyone's ok over next few weeks - by the time I get back to Bahrain I'll be a week away from my scan :dance:

Hope the March baby list continues to grow!!! :D
I'm Debbie. I'm 30 (31 in a month!) and my OH, Matt is 31.

I'm currently 5 weeks and 4 days. Due around March 8th (I think). This will be our first baby and we are very excited, although, right now I am very, very worried all the time that something is going to go wrong - for no real reason! I'm a worry wort anyway!

I have sore boobs and cramps but other than that I feel ok. Had a slight pain last night which sent me into a spiral of worry and tears but it's ok this morning!

nice to meet everyone here :D
Hi i'm Kelly im 25 and my husband Ross is 32.

Our daughter Isla is 15 months and this one was a shock on our first month of trying. Guessing my dates until i get a scan!

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