

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Bit of a weird one but has anybody else been reluctant to drive especially since their bumps have been getting bigger? I hope no one takes offence on this cuz I really dont mean to sound to horrible but the drivers around my area are absolutely terrible. Literally every single journey out whether it be to Tesco or just to the petrol station I get at least one person dangerously pulling out on me, driving too close etc and it never bothered me till now. I feel so nervous at the thought of going out in the car on my own but at the same time I hate being stuck on camp and feel like I have to wait till my OH finishes work to go out. Am I just being silly?! x
Your not being silly hunny, your just being a mummy :)
My bump touches the stering wheel now but if i push my seat back i cant reach the pedals so im just taking journeys that i really have to and if OH is home he drives x x

Yeah mine does too and I really hate the thought of something happening :( but everytime I go to get in the car I'm like nooo I can't do it lol and I know my OH doesnt like it either :( Just annoys me when shopping needs doing and I feel silly for not just doing it but I've got my LO to think of x think I'll wait for OH to get home lol x
Worrying while your out in the car will only make things worse hunny as stress wont do you any good and hesitant drivers can cause problems, id wait till OH gets home if you can x x

I work from home which is good but still drive to see people, shop etc. Not wanting to drive as much now esp when baby is juggling around and pushing on my bladder. The thought of getting stuck in traffic worries me so if I do go into the office which is 1&3/4 hours away I really try and leave early so i miss traffic and do it really rarely.
I dont have traffic to worry about luckily and I've got my friends on camp but obviously I do wanna venture out sometimes but the worry of something happening (whether it be an accident or possibly labour starting etc) outweighs it :( I left work 4 weeks ago and I've rarely gone off base since then apart from when I'm with OH cuz I feel safer when I'm with him. Hopefully LO will be out soon enough x
I'm still driving but plan to cut it down in the last few weeks as I have freakishly short legs which won't work with a huge bump! My OH drives but I think the stress of that will send me into labour, he's terrible :roll: xx
I don't have a car full time anymore but am still ok to drive. My bump doesn't touch the steering wheel so I'm happy to just jump in the car when OH is home and poottle about.
The only thing I need to be aware of is I can't turn round for reversing and I'm not very good reversing with the mirrors as its not my car & leaning forward when pulling out of junctions.
But other than that no major problems for me :)
Haha yeah I've noticed I cant lean forward very far and I think thats what stops me a lot cuz to get anywhere near the main town we have to go down some didgy country roads and theres loads of blind junctions - that really doesnt help lol.

Pos - I know what you mean about your OH, mine scares me on the road sometimes too!!!

I remember feeling like this with my first pregnancy, for some reason this time round I'm much less worried about the other drivers. Probably because I'm generally doing much more driving now, my job being an hour and 3 motorways away from home, so I'm probably just more used to it. My biggest problem is getting through the 1 hour journey without peeing myself...
They do a 'bump on board' and 'mum to be' sign like the baby on board ones.. Maybe you'll feel better with one of those in your car so people back off! I've been hit in the front by a milk float and in the back by a dimmie 13w preg woman all in the space of two weeks :roll:
I'm one of the ppl who disagrees with the mum on board & baby on board signs, I think all drivers should be curteous of other drivers no matter what. Its not as if someone is gonna see the sign & say...oohh I best not crash into that car, there's a mum to be in there. & people should make sure there is relevant space between cars anyway!!

Do they not say that you shouldn't drive in the last 1/2 weeks of pregnancy?

I'm one of the ppl who disagrees with the mum on board & baby on board signs, I think all drivers should be curteous of other drivers no matter what. Its not as if someone is gonna see the sign & say...oohh I best not crash into that car, there's a mum to be in there. & people should make sure there is relevant space between cars anyway!!

Do they not say that you shouldn't drive in the last 1/2 weeks of pregnancy?


I think u can drive as long as u feel safe and comfortable hun and obviously can reach pedals, see mirrors etc.

Also I always thought the 'baby on board' signs were in case of an accident then the paramedics.fire crew etc would know to look for a LO? But u are right, people should be curteous of other drivers no matter what! Can't stand in when I c lorry drivers driving one handed on their mobile phones.....so dangerous!

I am still driving the odd short journey here or there, but nothing more than about 10mins.........I have about 1cm between wheel and my bump! lol
Think I'm just not gonna drive anymore. I get scared just being a passenger now lol, so I dont think I should stress myself out lol xx
My hubby wont let me drive any more as he is worried I will go into labour while driving :D.

My area sounds a lot like yours Lauren. So many idiots around pulling out without looking or even driving the wrong way up all the one way streets. I'm just as nervous to walk anywhere as I was to drive, I've nearly been hit a couple of times.

I too believe all drivers should be courteous, cars are dangerous objects and it just takes one idiot to injure many.
My best friend had to stop driving when she was 38 weeks and I cant remember her reasons why, was it maybe something to do with the seatbelt? It can be dangerous with it on & even more dangerous with it off. Then of course there's always the risk of going into labour.

I thought she'd been told by her mw or the DVLA but maybe its not an actual law, just general guidance.

I wish I'd stopped driving in the last few weeks of pregnancy basicaly I was dropping my friend of at the station which was about 40 mins from home we decided to stop for food on the way whilst there I got really dizzy and started to see flashing lights. I still had to drive home putting me and lo in danger I had no choice as I would have had to wait to hours and didn't see any other solution. 1 hour later I was in delivery throwing up and being diagnosed with pre eclampsia please be careful ladies xxx

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Yeah I'm definitely gonna stop now, too much to risk. Elfsmummy that sounded terrible :( you mustve been so scared :( lucky my OH can drive and weve just done the weekly shop together plus I'm only 2 weeks to go so its not long xx
Nope - I've stopped driving from about 30 odd weeks. Simply because I kept getting dead legs and sciatica & was worried it would happen whilst cruising the no speed limit autobahn! So I leave all the driving to hubby now. Can't wait to get back in the driving seat though!
I'm finishing work at 33 weeks. I have a long and crappy commute. I have to admit I'd rather not be travelling that distance whilst heavily pregnant. I had to commandeer DHs car last week as mine is low and sporty. I can get in it and drive comfortably but end up on my face trying to get out again. His car is a 4x4 type so access in and out is much easier.

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