Driving Tests


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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I booked my driving test for 2nd of July when I'll be 30 weeks, but my instructor told me to check that this would be OK. When I called the DVLA just now they confirmed the worst - NO! You can't take a driving test after 28 weeks :?

I thought it wouldn't matter - has any one else ever heard this stupid rule?
I think its a good idea actually, cos babys can be born anytime really after 28 weeks.. you wouldnt wanna be taking your test and have sharp contractions now would you!
seems a bit of an odd one.. but I can kind of understand it??! maybe you get a sharp kick from baby that distracts you maybe.

I am also a bit more absent minded driving especially recently.

It could also be an insurance thing maybe?
I think it's quite a sensible rule actually and can think of a few reasons why they would say no to booking a test at 30 weeks. Can you bring your date forward a few weeks? You have what 2-3 weeks to get it in before you hit the 30 week marker, or do it after LO has arrived....best of luck.
Aw hun what a shame - I must admit I have become very absent minded recently that's probably why they put a limit on it also some girls bumps are rather large and might struggle getting in behind the wheel so they have to have a cut off date.

As Nicola said could you not see about bringing it forward if you explain why they might be able to accommodate you. Best of luck hun.
if you can drive when pregnant, you should be able to take a test id think :?

as if your driving anyway, your still on the road, just have someone different in the car with you at the time.

ETA: if you ring daily, you may get a cancellation slot, then be able to take it before you go past the cut off day :)

my sister kept ringing for a cancellation for her 2nd test. and she got one :) so its worth a try :)

I dont think its fair as Keslo said if you can drive while pregnant you should be able ot take your test? hmm its odd, i guess they do have reason for it though Katrina
Ah great, I've just started to learn to drive again but automatic this time and my instructer reckons i may be able to take my test end of july/early aug but i had no idea about this rule! better get a move on :?

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