

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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I am sat here currently papping myself because I have a driving lesson this morning :(

It's my first one for over 4 months because after I failed my test for the 2nd time I just couldn't face anymore lessons. I have a new instructor and different type of car and I am really nervous. I just desperately want to pass my test before the baby comes, I have a lovely car sat on my drive waiting for me, and I am quite confident when driving with hubby but at the mo can feel my blood pressure rising already.
Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to pass before baby arrives, I did this and made myself really anxious and worked up before every driving lesson because I felt so stressed. Im sure you'll be fine hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww dont worry. youll be fine when i failed my second test i didnt drive for a while but then my uncle forced me to start driviing again and i passed 3rd time lucky. now i couldnt live without driving! :D
i always got nervous in lessons too, so in the end my dad brought me a little car and sat in it whilst i drove around all day until i felt really confident and did my test in the car too.

why do driving lessons make people so nervous :hug:
Thanks girls, I have never enjoyed having lessons because I feel so anxious. Hopefully new instructor will be lovely and make me feel better, he has come highly recommended.
Just remember, that most instructors won't pass pregnant women... I think its prejudice... but hey..

They told my mum she wouldn't pass cos she was pregnant with my sister... and she did because she was so relaxed about the whole thing, believing that she wouldn't pass. So who knows... Besides once you get huge... driving becomes really hard, so I wouldn't fret about it too much, and if you end up having a c section for whatever reason, you won't be able to drive for 6 weeks after the op... So try not to pressure yourself right now... :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know how you feel! My OH has been nagging me for months to book an intensive driving course, but I keep putting it off cos I'm scared :shock:
I had over 40 hours of lessons when I was 17 but was totally useless, couldn't even reverse or do a 3 point turn! I don't think driving comes naturally too me.

Hope it goes well for you, if you feel confident when driving with you DH your half way there already. I can't even drive in a stright line at the moment :lol:
Ive just started driving lessons, I had my first one a few days ago,

They really are scary :shock: and i don't think i'll learn to drive properly in years, let alone before the baby comes :lol:
I wish I'd learnt years ago. When I was 17 I wasn't at all scared, just crap :lol:
I'm definately a lot more cautious about things since becoming a mum, I worry about flying now which I never did before. I think too much about all the things that can go wrong
You will be fine and I am sure it won't be long before you get out in your own car just you and baby.

Just think of all the places you could go to and all the shopping you could do.

I passed my test almost 10 years ago, and I really miss the freedom it gave me. I have given up driving over the past couple of months as I don't feel I have the same level of concentration for driving and also my tummy is now getting in the way.
It went really well, he said there are a few things that need a bit of work but nothing too major so will just have to wait and see how things go. I've told hubby that if I start getting in a state about it like I did before I'm gonna leave it till after baby is here, but hopefully I can stay relaxed. Thanks for all your replies :hug:
Hey - if you get on with your instructor and have practice with hubby I reckon you're 9/10's there!

You WILL pass (honest gov!). I failed first time then changed istructor and after that I was fine, it's well worth the effort.
Glad it went well, I think getting on with the instructor is so important, makes it much easier to relax and concentrate
Good on you - it takes a lot of guts to do stuff like this when you are preggers. Just try your best, it'll come naturally after a while :hug:
Glad it went well, i always hated driving lessons to. I failed my 1st test (i went round a round about the wrong way :oops: , it was only a small one though)

Passed it 2nd time at 34 weeks pregnant with my daughter.

Good luck with the rest of them!!

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