driving tests :oD

passed 1st time :D There were 2 of my friends who had a test the same week with the same examiner and we all passed!
abcd1234 said:
If you want an early slot for may you might want to look in to booking it very soon! not sure what waitng lists will be like in your area but i had to wait 2months for one of mine and at that point you dont have a choice you take the time thats available. good luck

Yeah, it's a nightmare. Like I said, my theory is booked for March the 4th and you can't book your test until you have passed that so, I will hopefuly be able to book it on the 5th, which gives a lead time of just over 2 months so fingers crossed. I am not due untill June 1st so have some leeway. :pray:
I passed on my second test..or third, I don't know if I could count the first time. I'd had my test booked for months and didn't have many lessons in the few weeks leading up to it. I was on the lesson before the test and was slightly nervous (As I'm sure most people would be!!) 10 mins before the test was due to start the instructor made me pull over and said 'I'm not going to let you take the test, you're nervous and I'm worried you're going to crash my new car,' So that was that..

I changed instructors and the first test I actually took I was really nervous again, on the way out of the test center I clipped a parked cars wing mirror :lol: but failed cause I changed lanes on a roundabout without indicating literally 1 min away from the center. Passed 2nd time with 7 minors, even though I was really poorly with Tonsilitis and was feeling too bad to pay proper attention!!
You may not feel comfortable driving at 8 months pregnant... and your instructor may not feel comfortable teaching you. What if you were to have an accident... :?

Have you looked into an intensive course? They're expensive all at once, but it's like your whole load of lessons all crammed into one week.
JP has to do his car test asap... :pray: he does it BEFORE we have the baby so I don't have to drive myself to the hospital :rotfl:

I passed my car test on the third attempt :oops:

The first time I wasn't ready, the second time I was too nervous and the third time I (eventually) sailed through :)

I passed my Bike Test first time though (which was harder than my car test by a long chalk) with only 1 minor :cheer:
Emma58 said:
I passed 3rd time. I failed the first two time because i was so nervous, I had shaky legs the lot!!

When I passed I was in my own car and the examiner was great he was a really good laugh and chatted to me about DS and all sorts though out the test. Before i knew it the test was finished and he told me I had passed :dance:

I later on found out he was the chief examiner! If I had known that beforehand I would have definitely have failed again.

was it Nigel as thats who passed me and he's the cheif examiner too
I passed second time. I cant remember what I failed on the first time, it was ages ago
leckershell said:
You may not feel comfortable driving at 8 months pregnant... and your instructor may not feel comfortable teaching you. What if you were to have an accident... :?

Have you looked into an intensive course? They're expensive all at once, but it's like your whole load of lessons all crammed into one week.

Was that to me hon? My instructor is fine with it. He had a student recently who was down to take her test 2 weeks before her due date but baby came early so couldn't take it. As for me, well if I feel uncomfortable then I will just not take it and leave it until after the baby has arrived. I feel less comfortable with frazzling my brain with day long intensive lessons as my concentration span isn't up to that at the moment. I'm doing 2 lessons a week for now and 3 a week from maternity leave in 3 weeks time. Hopefuly that will put me in good stead iI should get about 40 hours under my belt before the test in early may. :)
I passed third time.

The first time I got 4 majors - all on roundabouts :oops:
The second time I was failed becuse I slowed doen by using gears then brakes instead of brakes then gears coming off the dual carriageway. My driving instructor did think that was a bit unfair and perhaps shouldn't have been a major but hey ho.

I DID take me YEARS to learn though as I was SO nervous.
I'm having my test next week, I am soooo nervous, I doubt I'll pass first time. I am like you Leckershell, I make stupid mistakes that I usually don't make. The day before I'll be practicing everything and I'll get my bf to give me instructions like an instructor would to get used to it. :pray: :pray: Good luck, just remember you only have to do this once!
Passed first time with 2 minors - I still have the sheet somewhere - I kept it as I was so proud of myself :oops:
The minors were for being in 3rd going up a hill instead of 2nd and for not checking my blind spot thoroughly enough when pulling away :)
I passed on my 2nd go :D

1st time had this awful man, he was the cheif examiner :evil: , my driving instructor had put little stickers on the back window of the car to show us when to turn the car in reverse parking, he said to tell the examiner to move his seat forward (they should do this!) and so i can see, came to the test and the examiner WOULDNT move his seat so i failed on it :evil: :evil:

had another test about a month later and got the same bloody examiner, i thought to myself as soon as i got in the car i had failed with this idiot ESPECIALLY when he made me do the emergency stop (i couldnt do it to save my life!!)

but........got back and he told me i had passed

woooo :rotfl:
I had 2 tests when I was 18, which I failed (i blame lack of confidence and nerves) and then finally had my 3rd test aged 30, which i count really as my first test as it was a gap of 12 years. I passed with no minors so it was a clean sheet - and i took some advice off someone and went to the dr 2 days before my test and got some pills that deal with the adrenalin. I took a pill 1 hour before the test and voila... no nerves, fully in control, assertive and cheerful! Unlike the other girl there who was a wreck. I know if i hadn't i would have lost control and panicked through nerves! If you suffer from nerves i would recommend these pills wholeheartedly! :)
I used Rescue Remedy when I kept failing because of my nerves and I passed! Not sure whether it was that, that worked or if it was just psychological.

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