Driving Lessons - Advice Please


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Just got off my driving lesson and feel like crap, I feel so emotional today and just couldn't concentrate on driving at all so did really crap at it.

I was doing so well and was heading to be passed by November then a month or so ago my concentration (which is usually excellent) went and I cant seem to do anything at all right! I made loads of mistakes and obviously my instructor knows that I'm pregnant and thats why.

He said to me at the end of the lesson that he didn't want to keep taking money off me and me doing lessons and getting nowhere but if I carry on the way I was today id be wasting money. He said he wasn't trying to put me off and if I feel that I wanna carry on and stick at it then thats fine.

I just don't know what to do, I really wanted to be passed by the time LO is here so it makes it easier to get things done during the day and I wont have to get on the bus etc. I feel like such a failure and don't wanna have wasted the money that ive spent so far by stopping my lessons and having a huge break.

Sorry for the big moan, sat here in tears feeling like crap :(
aww hun dont cry :hug: :hug:

i dont agree its the pregnancy thats off putting for you, are you up tight about anything today?

I know of girls who have taken lessons and passed at 8 months pregnant, so long as you can get behind the wheel and are comfortable i wouldnt listen to your instructer..

i would look at finding someone else a lady driver maybe...

and on your next lesson, relax and enjoy it.. you'll be fine :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh honey dont worry to much about it i hated doing driving lessons i failed twice and passed on the 3rd but the thing is i stopped for 2 years after my first fail and again 2 years after my second fail then got my act together and tried again and yipeeee i passed so keep trying and try not to get too stressed out drive with the window down to let some fresh air in around you hopefully that will help i know of a thing called rescue remedy u can buy this in a local chemist and take this b4 u go driving it calms you down, lots of people use it for flying etc but just check if you can use it as ur pregnant hope ur feeling ok

I feel completely comfortable with my instructor so its definitely not that, I've had 2 women previously and found them rubbish.

I have nothing on my mind as such really and am always relaxed driving and not upright, its defo due to the fact I'm pregnant cos I just keep forgetting things and cant concentrate so making silly mistakes which I normally wouldn't :wall:

I know that he wouldn't have said it unless he thought its for the best, he's told me to see how I go next week and have a think & chat with Sam. I feel so emotional today anyway, think I'm over tired which isn't helping.... :(
Oh happy_chick i just wanna send you loads of hugs now

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I really hope u feel better soon
Do you get practice time, not just driving lessons? Maybe some time just driving rather than concentrating on doing things properly would help?
tracyM said:
Do you get practice time, not just driving lessons? Maybe some time just driving rather than concentrating on doing things properly would help?

Not sure what u mean hun?
could you have lessons off a relative? :hug:
I wouldnt like to have them off a relative as its not dual control and dont wanna end up crashing cos my heads not with it lol. I dont think anyone has a car that I can get insured on either :(
what sort of instructor is he? I mean have some faith, we all had some bad lessons :hug:

I think it was out of order hun, talk about making you feel bad :x
Nah I felt bad anyway chick, its not him thats made me feel like this. Wish I hadnt posted now cos everyone just blaming my instructor :?
seriously though we all have off days/weeks with driving :hug:

How about taking a break for a month and then going back to it?
Yeah but ive had a bad month, and 2 lessons a week is alot of money to have that many bad lessons. I've basically wasted £160 on crap lessons if u know what I mean.

I could take a month off but means I wouldn't be passed by time LO arrives as they can refuse to test u if your heavily pregnant grrr

Im just gunna have a think and see how I do next week!
Aww hun I know exactly what you mean! I almost stopped having lessons at about the same stage as you are I think as my head just wasn't together at all! I'm sure it was pregnancy brain! :lol:

My first test was horrendous(sp?) to put it nicely and the examiner was horrible to me too :(

But I carried on despite how bad I was doing and I passed my 2nd test a couple of weeks later!

Unfortunately for me, I drove into our garage door when I was 30 weeks pregnant and I decided to stop driving until after Brody was born as I just didn't trust myself - my brain was all over the place! Unfortunately I haven't had the guts to get behind the wheel again so I have passed my test for nothing! That's just lack of confidence on my part though!

I think you should give yourself a break you could be just trying too hard as you think you are going to have a rubbish lesson if you know what I mean? See how you go next time!

Some people don't think pregnancy brain doesn't exist but I definately do! I also believe in baby brain as I still haven't got any better! :rotfl:

Good luck in whatever you decide hun! :hug:
Poor thing, I get really bad pregger brain - really forgetful and dopey - but it does fluctuate - I find im much better after lunch - maybe you could keep an eye on times you feel better and book lessons then. I think you should take one week off and then go back. You could practice even in an empty carpark at night, and build up your confidence a bit :hug: :hug:
I'm doing my driving lessons too, I used to have 2hrs a week, I've had around 50 lessons :oops: and I still failed my test a few weeks ago, i'm terrible for forgetting things and thats what I failed on but I'm not giving up, I've booked my next test and will keep doing it untill I pass. If you're determined to do it before bubs arrives then you do it! If you gave it up for a bit you'd forget and have to start from scratch again & all that money would be wasted, don't give up hun, practice makes perfect :hug:

Sorry to here you are so down about your driving lessons, I know it must be difficult to concentrate when you have other things on your mind.

I was just wondering do you thing that you could be panicing a little when your driving, I don't drive but I was terrible when I went with anywhere with hubby in the car when I was pregnant, I would keep thinking we would hit something and it satrted of as a little niggle so that I couldn't quite relax in the car and just got worse and worse as my pregnancy progressed, until oneday I was about in tears. It all went away after I had lily :?

Also have you had your iron levels checked recently? could they be low? I just wondered as this could affect concentration and alertness.

Either way I hope you feel better on your next lesson andthat you do manage to pass your test before baby is born :hug:

wow two lessons week i think that may be a bit too much for anyone, if you get on with your instructor then i'm sure he said that just to stop you wasting money and not being mean at all.

I had an instructor who i used for 30odd lessons who taught me not a lot then i changed and only needed 5 with the new one and passed, my point being if he didn't really care about you then he would keep taking your money regardless

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