UPDATE- AF 3 weeks late and still just getting BFN! HELP!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
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Hi Ladies,

I'm back and you guessed it still no sign of AF!!!

thought I would list whats been happening and see what all you guys think

1. Missed Period (3 weeks late now)

2. Needing to have a wee almost after every time I have a drink.

3. Consipated for the last 2 weeks (can't spell sorry! LOL)

4. The tinyest bit of spotting around the day I was due AF (two tiny tiny spots of blood)

5. Normally get sore boobs a week before I'm due but haven't had any sore boobs at all!

6. Had discharge for a week after AF was due (lots! clear/white quite stretchy and sticky sorry if TMI)

7. Mild period pain 'like' cramps now and again (very mild and not very often)

8. Been getting lots of spots since about 1 week before AF was due (normally get 1 or 2 when AF is here but have had one after the other)

9. Been bloated on and off for the last 4 weeks.

10. Had stuffy nose all the time on and off or the last few weeks.

11. Bad lower backache since a week before I was due AF (even aches sitting down, nothing seems to help)

12. Been feeling quite achey in the evenings (arms, legs all over achey)

13. Feeling quite tired, about 4-5pm most days had to have a lie down sometimes napped sometimes just relaxed.

But after all these 'symptoms' whenever I test is a BFN result.

Anyone had similar experience?

Really need some advice!!!!

Have asked doc or a blood test but have been told to wait and see if I miss another period first.

could this maybe be caused by stress? you could have just ovulated later than usual and your body might be tricking you into having these symptoms? i had all this when i 1st started TTC and i wasnt pregnant.

:hug: :hug: Hope you get a BFP soon
not been stressing at all, feeling really happy these last ew months.

The funny thing is that we have been trying or 3 yrs but since about xmas last yr we haven't been thinking about TTC just decided that i it happens it happens kinda thing.

been really relaxed and then noticed AF hadn't arrived.

have had a late period last yr by about week and a half but had AF symptoms the whole time. 3 weeks late now and had no AF symptoms at all!

it sounds very promising with all the sypmtoms! i think its unfair the doc wont test until you miss another AF!

Good Luck, hope u get a BFP :hug:
Im not sure then hun :think: i guess all you can do is wait and see what happends. Try not to worry too much :hug: i know its easier said than done :wall:
I really hope you get your BFP, everything sounds so promising!
All the symptoms sound hopeful and the fact that AF has stayed away must be a good sign. I really hope you get a BFP, it seems cruel of the doc to make you wait another few weeks :evil:
It really sound like you are PG to me hun. You have all the symptoms apart from the BFP :wall: . Will your doc not do a blood test? If they say no demand one or change G.P's hun.

yeah I am going to wait until my next AF would be due so 1 week and then demand a blood test.

I will even stamp my feet and scream if I need to! lol

very annoying as I feel that I am PG but these BFN make me doubt myself.

My hubby was saying he thinks I am coz I need a wee like 20 mins after every drink and have been like this for about a week and a half now. You can't imagine that symptom!

It must be driving you mad hun. These docs wouldn't wait if it was them would they? :x

I do feel I am slightly losing the plot! have been waiting 3 weeks now so 1 more week isn't too bad! :roll:

its weird as I hadnt really given TTC much thought these last few months and then I noticed I was late, fingers crossed.

Not getting my hopes up too much in case I'm not preggers but just concerned now more than anything.

still waiting...................... :wall:

getting really impatient and bored of waiting....waiting and more waiting!

Just want to know either way whats going on.... :think:

anyone have any words of encouragement? :pray:

I have heard that some women don't get a BFP until they have missed their second AF. You are certainly in with a good chance!!!!!!!! :cheer:
it is so nice to have someone say that!

thank you....

its differcult to not think theres no chance at all and for someone you don't know to say such kind things it really makes me think maybe.

I am going to try to think positive and hopefully I will get that on a preg test soon!

Sounds V promising, shame about the BFNs. Have you tried different brands of test? 3 weeks is a long time for no AF! keep us posted!
I would go and see your GP, if they realise how important it is for you to know whats going on then maybe they could do a blood test earlier for you?
i have two brands of tests.....boots own brand and a ebay cheapie called Nova.

I am gonna try and wait to see if next AF arrives its only another week to go!

dont know whats going on with my body!
weird ehh?
I hope the next week doesn't drag too much! Your symptoms do sound like pg ones. :hug: Good luck

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