Dream feeding advice.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Hi girls,
Was just wondering who does or did dream feed. Emily is usually in bed by 8. If we're a bit out of our wee routine she's never any later than 9pm. She's been in her own room in her basket since 5 weeks as we are both noisy sleepers. Anyway, she's now taking 6ozs comfort milk 5-6 times in 24 hours. I only upped her milk two days ago. Her last feed is usually 7/7.30pm and she wakes for one night feed at about 4am. Ok so one night feed isn't a huge deal although I find it difficult to get back to sleep and most of the time I'm awake for 2-3 hours. Sometimes I've been awake from 3am till I go to bed the next night. I'm wondering about giving her a dream feed about 11pm to see if this will help her drop the 4am feed. Although I don't want her to have the 11pm feed and still have the 4am one. So if you guys have done it, does it take a few days for them to get used to it? Is it worth doing? Any tips? When she wakes at 4am it's defo hunger and she'll drain a full bottle.
Thanks in advance for any advice x x x x
Anyone??????? It
Hasn't worked tonight. I'm pretty sure some mums on here know about dream feeding!

I did dream feeding but tbh it only made charley go an extra hour so I stopped doing it. My friend still dream feeds her little boy who's 12 days younger than charley. He still wakes for a bottle during the night too and when she decided to drop the dream feed he woke twice in the night. Hope that helps hun x x
I also wondered about dream feeding. But I always think, how will I know when to stop the dream feed and will it make him take longer to sleep through in the long run xx
i didn't dream feed as such . Devon is BF, and he was hungry all evening, so I just fed him lots during evening, sometimes felt like all night long. He would have three feeds from 6pm to 9pm and then sleep at 9pm and then would wake at 7am from early age compared to my regimental timed bottle fed babys.

He is teathing badly now and only has after dinner milk and then bedtime milk, and asleep at 7pm , and now wakes up twice in the night, but it did work for months till food and teath changed things

Hope you crack it
Thanks girls I've decided not to do a dream feed. I was going to try and get her to take her last feed at half 9 but can't seem to figure out how to do that, also she will probably still wake at 4/4.30am. I think I'm just going to have to wait it out. She's bound to grow out of it? I hope lol. Ach I'm lucky some mums are feeding all night!!!! As I said its really just my sleeping thats the issue but it didn't take me long to fall back to sleep last night. I really should be sleeping now!

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